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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Are you an idiot?!

Bammity bam.

42618: someone - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 12:03 AM

I guess what's his face's brilliant plan to be a distraction succeeded. That's what he was trying to do before getting knocked out, right?

42619: Zet - Tuesday, July 9 2024 - 5:07 PM

No one told him it's a battle dance and now see the consequence of lacking this knowledge.

42620: someone - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 2:50 AM

Piper is a hot head. Quite literally what with the fire magic. That does make her regularly act like an idiot.

42621: Tom - Tuesday, July 9 2024 - 8:32 PM

Piper's revenge is a bit disproportional, if you ask me.

42622: Brilliand - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 4:33 AM

@Zet Given how he was moving, I think he might have known. :P

42623: Some guy - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 5:42 AM

World's Oyster definitely can't claim to just be following orders anymore at this point. I'm not sure what he's thinking here.

42624: Silver - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 7:10 AM

Finally. That dude really needed a kick.

42625: Gobo - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 12:05 PM

At this point, all Oyster knows is the that he's been caught in the middle of some kind of hero schism. "Just following orders" is all he really can do without more information.

42626: Sporf - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 1:26 PM

@Tom Revenge usually is, though to be fair, Oyster tried to kill her and continues to do so. Trying to kill him back seems reasonably proportional. However she is best off, fleeing for now.

42627: Sporf - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 1:36 PM

While he probably doesn't know these heroes, he already suspected the mission was odd the fact that he continues to ignore that as the situation evolves. He does even try to question the other heroes. I will grant they took out his partner first, but he was about to kill Piper, at this point 'following orders' is just an excuse.

42628: Melany - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 3:58 PM

I mean... Dolk literally told Oyster to "kill the girl first and deal with the traitors". He is literally following his orders, to the letter.

42629: Montresor - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 5:21 PM

Piper needs to learn some patience. Just mark his face and name and get your terrible revenge later when you're in a position of power, girl. Just make sure he knows that it's you and why you did it in case he forgot. That's just Revenge 101.

42630: Sporf - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 6:57 PM

Dammit. I wish there was an edit button, or that I could type coherently while on my phone.

42632: Saiko - Wednesday, July 10 2024 - 10:46 PM

He informed the HQ about the renegade heroes, got permission to act as he sees fit, so clearly he sees it as some kind of rebellion.

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