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Burk - 3153
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Saturday, June 17 2023 - 3:57 PM
By: Neoriceisgood


Yeah just freely use that nickname, Burk.

37359: wu1 - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 4:03 PM

Place your bets, can Burk punch a ghost? Winner take the pot.

37360: Zev - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 4:27 PM

My bet is no, he cannot punch a ghost - at least, not directly. However, I'll put good money on him finding some other way to hurt Vonaspida. Maybe turning her powers against her or something? Idk.

37361: Melany - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 4:36 PM

"Am I a joke to both of you?" - Morty, in the distance, probably.

37362: Ajonos - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 5:20 PM

Yeah, even if Burk *is* just an esper, we already know that different espers interact with spirits in different ways.

There's no way Burk's method of interacting with spirits is anything other than punching.

37363: Feddlefew - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 5:29 PM

IIRC Burk has, in fact, directly attacked a hero's spirit before? Unless "broke his spirit" was referring to the pompadour guy's will to fight and not his magical spirit.

37364: player_03 - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 5:34 PM

@wu1 I bet Burk can punch a ghost.

...Possibly only because he has special gloves/wristbands.

37365: Virovac - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 5:49 PM

Does he need to punch her? He might be able to redirect her attacks to hurt herself for those tied to her form like the vines. Imagine him swinging her around by her vines into the path of another spirit or summon by her.

37366: Joe - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 6:24 PM

Moment of truth

37367: Umbra - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 6:32 PM

part of me wants to see burk actually fail to punch a ghost but on the other side. I doubt he would do this fight with out having a method of fighting a ghost. he is a bit crazy but not dumb. sort of anyway

37368: Otter Claw - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 7:12 PM

Well this spirit is going to be crying for it's ghost mama not long from now.

I have my guesses as to what will happen but I will keep them to myself, that said I look forward to this fight!

37369: Paintr - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 7:47 PM

I gonna bet above that, not only can Burk punch ghosts, he's actually super-effective against them.

If that's the case I think I've figured out what happened to Burk now. But lets place the bets for now and see!

37370: Luminous Lead - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 7:49 PM

Haha Mr.Pet

37371: Tom - Saturday, June 17 2023 - 11:10 PM

Yeah, emphasis on "normally", Burk is anything but normal.

37372: Gils - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 12:08 AM

Burks special ability is he can dodge or punch anything. The rest rest is just endless training i am sure

37373: Strannik - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 12:41 AM

@wu1 : Was there something or someone Burk coulndt punch ? (effectiveness apart)

37374: noname - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 1:12 AM

Of course Burk can punch a ghost. He is Burk. Even if he can't punch a ghost, he will do it anyway. Or find a way to do it anyway.

37375: Parm - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 1:52 AM

Burk probably doesn't understand the feet thing either. Only thing he has interest in is a proper fight.

37376: Warrior Ant - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 1:54 AM

A supernatural, superpowered, being that is also impervious to all physical Attacks? Three more of those and we might finally found a challenge for Burk.

37377: Taorin - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 1:54 AM

We know gold can neutralize magic, do we know what effect it has on spirits?
Burk did remember to grab his balls from Skystroke before leaving.

37378: Chameon - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 2:34 AM

Hey, quick question. Have we had any confirmation spirits aren't literally made out of magic energy in most effective ways? Like....yeah, she might be functionally immune to his punches, but what if he just throws a big golden ball at her face?

37379: Darius Drake - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 3:19 AM

My thought is that Burk can use the methods Vonaspida attempts to use against him to hit her. Actions like using those magi-physical vines as knuckle dusters. Either that, or Burk actually IS an Esper, and can actually hit ghosts and the like.

It would even make sense, with Burk having a connection to the Oceanic Cartel, and knowing when he absolutely HAS to be serious about something.

37380: Belak - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 4:07 AM

Ah, here we go, someone who properly deserving being Burked. I mean, the other guy deserved punishment but perhaps not a full Burking. And the Execustives are about the same boat, they need to be taken down but Iā€™d rather not see Burk wipe the floor with some old guys.

Unless it was reaaaaaaallly funny.

37381: Brownie 24128 - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 4:15 AM


From the circumstances it seems clear Burk was just talking about motivation.
Burk also said he destroyed it completely, wich would contradict his assurance that Winn could just make a new sword, if it referred to the magical spirit

37382: Eight - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 4:29 AM

"humilitate"? You did note that Burk has no issue fighting just in underwear, did you?

37383: Melany - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 5:21 AM


Pages 2268-2276. It did really mean breaking his will to fight and not literally attacking his spirit, but Burk did revert his spirit sword to it's base form.

37384: Violet - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 7:36 AM

I feel like Burk really is an Esper, but his unique Esper ability is either his immunity to spirit attacks or being able to hurt spirits. Possibly both, somehow?

37385: Brilliand - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 8:11 AM

@Brownie Burk "completely destroyed" the built-up spirit charge that Winn had compressed into his sword. He did *not* destroy Winn's ability to personally have and produce more spirit. So, Winn can recharge his sword, in the same way as Barry The Sledgehammer can remake the potion that Burk smashed.

37386: Fuz - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 8:21 AM

I remain steadfast in my belief that Burk is the One Punch Man of this universe.

37387: Detective Caillou - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 10:03 AM

I figured Burk's abilities as an Esper became pretty obvious with how he handled that grab-bag of attacks by that muscle mohawk dude. The reason it's normally so hard to spot is precisely because of how simple it is - "Burk dispels any spirit manifestation he physically touches." He has to dodge any physical tangential effect magic creates, but can completely ignore anything made entirely of spirit.

37388: Melany - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 10:24 AM

Burk uncharacteristically avoided fighting those two invincible guys from Ariara's fight, so that's at least two opponents he likely would have trouble punching out.

37389: Brownie24128 - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 11:42 AM

Yes, that is what I meant.
My point to Feddlefew was that because It did not target the actual spirit giving the hero power, that attack is not something he can use to harm Vonesperada directly

37390: Stinger - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 11:46 AM

I was promised a Morty Month, and am aghast at the fact that our regular Morty appearances have dimnished themselves to simple mentions only.

Where is our Morty?

37391: Zyzyzyryxy - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 11:56 AM

Tentacles in the last panel look very similar to the ones created by some elf way back in the comic: http://neorice.com/hoh_noah_284

37392: Anthony - Sunday, June 18 2023 - 2:39 PM

We know that it's possible for espers to damage spirits -- on p3094 Mr Mittens (the cat) disrupted Daegorg the Blade Spirit. There's no reason to think Burk can't do the same thing.

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