H-how do they retrieve the books from the bookshelves there?
Is it a test of skill?
If you can safely withdraw a book, you have earned the right to read it?
44297: omni001 - Saturday, November 2 2024 - 10:34 AM
Is it just me, or does the bottom of the bridge look like it has railing on one side?
44298: someone - Saturday, November 2 2024 - 10:44 AM
That stairway seems impressively rickety, especially compared to the epic walls of bookshelves.
Books are very heavy, so these bookshelves have to be incredibly sturdy to be that high without crumbling under their own weight. I think I'd feel safer climbing down the bookshelves than going down those stairs.
44299: Creeven - Saturday, November 2 2024 - 4:25 PM
A library the size of Europe...
The journey barely starts and we already have lost four scholars... Seeking knowledge is a dangerous calling.
44300: Some guy - Saturday, November 2 2024 - 7:04 PM
The group seems to have an odd habit of shrinking...
44301: Sporf - Saturday, November 2 2024 - 9:38 PM
To some people, safety comes last...
They couldn't afford railing for BOTH sides?
H-how do they retrieve the books from the bookshelves there?
Is it a test of skill?
If you can safely withdraw a book, you have earned the right to read it?
Is it just me, or does the bottom of the bridge look like it has railing on one side?
That stairway seems impressively rickety, especially compared to the epic walls of bookshelves.
Books are very heavy, so these bookshelves have to be incredibly sturdy to be that high without crumbling under their own weight. I think I'd feel safer climbing down the bookshelves than going down those stairs.
A library the size of Europe...
The journey barely starts and we already have lost four scholars... Seeking knowledge is a dangerous calling.
The group seems to have an odd habit of shrinking...
Looks like they have lost some guests already.