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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, June 15 2015 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Jake's plan.

... Blockhead.

p.s. don't forget to vote~

6918: Bisected - Monday, June 15 2015 - 1:49 AM

Jake's coming down on them like a tonne of bricks. =P

6919: ekeron - Monday, June 15 2015 - 3:23 AM


I'm confused. What happened?



6920: Neoriceisgood - Monday, June 15 2015 - 3:29 AM


1. monster got hit from above, so it switched the ceiling's gravity.

2. It switched gravity right underneath a pile of blocks.

3. massive block on head made the eye pop out.

4. Sari came down as well due to the inversed gravity & stabbed the now exposed eye.

Make sense?

6921: Epsiloh - Monday, June 15 2015 - 4:33 AM

More Importantly Glowy Spear!!! what will she do

6922: banjo - Monday, June 15 2015 - 6:36 AM

Yet again with CRAZY eyes!

6923: Sabertooth Lizzie - Monday, June 15 2015 - 11:48 AM

Was I the only one to hear a small pop sound from the eyeball appearing? XD

6924: DatDat - Tuesday, June 16 2015 - 1:49 AM

Thought miss cool-hat-n-goggles was gonna be crushed by that block. Also, mace-sword? Huh?

6925: Bisected - Tuesday, June 16 2015 - 3:39 AM

@DatDat: Well, there's nothing to suggest it stopped being one after the last time she used it. :p

6926: willsaveworldforgold - Tuesday, June 16 2015 - 5:15 AM

He kinda looks like a dude with a tophat now...

6927: itblobboy - Tuesday, June 16 2015 - 7:56 PM

The scout class seems very important to knowing what you are trying to do to solve puzzles. (The scout identified the weak spot as the eye) Scouts must be a kind of vital class, how do teams manage without them? They must do a lot more derping around until they get something right!

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