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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Thursday, May 14 2015 - 12:55 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Keeping it together.

Technically Joni was right to assume the party was coming towards her.

Just a bigger party than expected.

Just cause the buffer can handle it I"ll give you guys the next vote challenge:

If we reach rank 20 or lower & manage to keep that position until the start of next week, 5 updates next week.

6726: addyk2003 - Thursday, May 14 2015 - 1:18 AM

The speed of the buggers... (o.o) Jake's got a faster vehicle, though. :D

6727: Pirate-Rob - Thursday, May 14 2015 - 1:35 AM

Jake shoulda just stopped so they could fight the statue things.

Also, Joni is such a try hard XD

6728: Bisected - Thursday, May 14 2015 - 5:44 AM

Hey, Jake found his vehicle. =D

6729: Tom - Thursday, May 14 2015 - 1:10 PM

Good news: vehicle!

Bad news: disturbing invincible enemies!

6730: natemare - Thursday, May 14 2015 - 10:53 PM

Can't help but hear the speeder sound from star wars when I see that vehicle. 😊

I wonder how those things are able to follow :/, seeing that they have no eye buddies (no pun intended) nor ear guys. Come to thing of it, there are no walking ears are there?

6764: Leo - Tuesday, May 19 2015 - 9:22 PM

What happened at the end of your sentence with the arbitrary characters "😊" ?

I've seen it around and I don't really get it. Is it supposed to be an emote which turns into whatever can be extracted from the bits?

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