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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Aloe Vera

Let's be honest. Aloe Vera looks dangerous and scary.
Who is with me?

4131: giovanni - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 3:35 AM

everything BUT the actual dangerous stuff

4132: William - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 4:16 AM

I have nightmares about aloe vera.

4133: Bisected8 - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 4:24 AM

Poor Burk. He only wants to level grind.

4134: NPC villager #3 - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 9:09 AM

Those plants really do look rather suspicious. Burk should probably defeat them. Just to be safe. After all, if they start craving human blood, that could end badly.

4135: Hawkeye - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 9:49 AM

We have an Aloe Vera plant in our bathroom. Why do you think I have to pee every time I go in there? Scary stuff, that Aloe Vera.

4136: Incuro - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 5:14 PM

Ok, I'm saying this in a non insulting way, but that is the worst joke, it is so fitting, but so bad...


4137: Inlaa - Wednesday, February 12 2014 - 8:39 PM

...Hawkeye, that is the best comment ever.

4138: PureKaos - Thursday, February 13 2014 - 10:10 AM

Actually I would REALLY like Burk to defeat the Aloe Vera plants... I happed to be VERY allergic to them and have 3 very bad experiences with it...
1: Ingrown Toenail Surgery - Aloe Vera used in remaining wound to promote healing... Burning Sensation despite General Anaesthetic.
2: Larp Event - Massive Sunburn on face, reported to First Aid with instructions that I was Allergic to Aloe Vera - was given some Aftersun lotion... got maybe 7 paces away before Face erupted in pain and Sores.
3: did you know they put Aloe Vera in Toilet Paper?.... nuff said?

5532: TachyonCode - Thursday, November 27 2014 - 12:54 PM

Aloe Vera, Agave, Cacti of all sorts... yeah, plenty of dangerous-looking plants out there! And those aren't even the man-eaters!

9105: Robin - Sunday, April 17 2016 - 7:17 PM

Gotta watch out for that aloe vera

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