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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, April 22 2016 - 1:57 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

The element of surprise.

Great! School! Everyone loves school!

Bonus updates over the weekend, don't you forget.

9153: Bisected - Friday, April 22 2016 - 3:16 AM

And Noah was North Korean Harry Potter all along. ;p

9154: 2ndShade - Friday, April 22 2016 - 4:10 AM

"What about Hogw-" *shot*

9155: RagingHalfling - Friday, April 22 2016 - 4:38 AM


9156: Franz - Friday, April 22 2016 - 6:47 AM


9157: Redead-ITA - Friday, April 22 2016 - 12:46 PM

Well that was incredible
im exicted on what comes next

9159: Rot - Friday, April 22 2016 - 5:04 PM

Yer a wizard Noah.

9160: TheomanZero - Friday, April 22 2016 - 6:33 PM

That actually sounds like it would be pretty cool if it weren't run by an evil empire.

9161: orangetree - Saturday, April 23 2016 - 12:56 AM

Well don't forget his red-haired friend Ro- I mean Felix.

9162: -D- - Saturday, April 23 2016 - 2:06 AM

So it's like Harry Potter, if Dumbledore was a weirdo with spectacles and McGonagall was a tall murderous Amazonian.


14496: W - Thursday, October 5 2017 - 4:41 AM

North Korean Harry Potter lmaooooo

19253: Klaus - Monday, February 18 2019 - 7:23 AM

Looking back 1.5 years later, I am not surprised about Harry potter jokes, but oddly disappointed at the lack of Quidditch references.

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