Monday, March 16 2015 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Trap or Alarm.
It's so cute.. I want one!
Daily updates again this week, don't forget to vote!
Kind regards,
It's so cute.. I want one!
Daily updates again this week, don't forget to vote!
Kind regards,
+1 if you notice Mario tubes above their heads!
I demand a plushie! =P
reminds me of alarm-o-bot...
It IS cute and I really want one :D
A Sari? Yes. I want one, too. Cuter than Pablo 10/10 would read again
@Goblin Scribe
You shouldn't say someone's cuter than Pablo without reboot-Pablo having shown up yet buddy.
I won't spoil anything but..
It's a damned one-eyed scout monster! KILL HIM!
Says you Mr. Gets-A-Vehicle-Based-Class Before-Cheacking-For-Vehicles!
Oooh, that alarm thing is sooo Zelda-like!
Incoming 8/8 black red-eyed monster from page 2~
Oh, god, am I gonna be able to handle Pablo? This may be what breaks me.