Thursday, January 29 2015 - 1:18 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

It was three.
Counting with Detlef would be a great side comic to help with the education of children.
But nah, I'll skip that.
Increased update rate again next week btw.
Counting with Detlef would be a great side comic to help with the education of children.
But nah, I'll skip that.
Increased update rate again next week btw.
I'm now against elves again after seeing this comic. For the Empire!
Is Detlef acting about not knowing Noah is there?
Where'd he come from in the previous page? Did he just happen to teleport in right next to Noah and didn't notice him?
Same place Noah came from, underwater.
Unlike Noah he had a magic protection bubble not to get sewer goo on him though.
noah is gonna get seriously sick with all that sewer goo
who is the hunter and the hunted? guess they now know
As it is right now I'm having a hard time deciding who the "good" guys are.
Or I guess it should be who the "less evil" guys are. This IS a Neorice comic, after all; nothing is ever simple.
So, just noticed. Detlef is a German name, as is Maus.
Neo, are the elves all German? A German biker gang?