5875: Pirate-Rob - Monday, January 19 2015 - 12:04 AM
Of all the things discussed previously, no one even mentioned her being an elf.
5876: Tom - Monday, January 19 2015 - 1:39 AM
If this is 20 questions, then Noah is way on his way to running out of useful ones.
5877: Bisected - Monday, January 19 2015 - 2:44 AM
Not an elf. Clearly a troll. =P
5880: someone - Monday, January 19 2015 - 5:13 AM
Shouldn't it be "breathe deeply"?
5881: SuperJedi224 - Monday, January 19 2015 - 6:42 AM
@someone: I think so.
5882: Hawkeye - Monday, January 19 2015 - 7:10 AM
Whelp, Bisected wins again. :P
5883: WolfontheMoon - Monday, January 19 2015 - 7:40 AM
Okay, this is completely off topic, but does anyone else think its weird that her ear ring is almost the same size as her ear, if not bigger?
5884: Janeator - Monday, January 19 2015 - 8:36 AM
Unrelated comment, but can someone remind me of which days does the comic update?
5885: Neoriceisgood - Monday, January 19 2015 - 8:40 AM
Normally m/w/f.
5887: 2ndShade - Monday, January 19 2015 - 10:39 AM
How about: "What the fuck is going on?"
5888: Tssha - Monday, January 19 2015 - 11:49 AM
someone is quite correct. Breath is pronounced like "to take a breath" or "she took my breath away", while breathe is pronounced like "breathe in, breathe out".
This has been your grammar and spelling lesson for the day. :)
...On another note, the question I'd ask is "what is home"?
5889: Natemare - Monday, January 19 2015 - 10:47 PM
NUUUUUUUUU, I caught up! WHY!?!?!?
Awesome comic Neo. I love how you've done your art style.
5890: Neoriceisgood - Tuesday, January 20 2015 - 1:51 AM
Thank you!
5891: SuperJedi224 - Tuesday, January 20 2015 - 6:00 PM
@Neo: I did some Burk pixelart a few days ago, and I can't remember whether or not I've given you the link yet, so here it is just in case: http://themunchkinman.thecomicseries.com/files/images/extra/burk.png
Either way, this continues to be a cool comic.
@2ndShade: Yes, that might be a useful question to know the answer to.
@Bisected: No, probably not a troll. Then again, I have no clue what she actually IS. Clearly something magical though.
13616: W - Wednesday, August 2 2017 - 1:49 AM
One of my friends (taller than me) told me that in elementary school she had a huge crush on a skinny boy, and all she ever did to get his attention was to push him to the ground. Poor boy he was much smaller, he must have been confused and, scared.. :( lmao
Of all the things discussed previously, no one even mentioned her being an elf.
If this is 20 questions, then Noah is way on his way to running out of useful ones.
Not an elf. Clearly a troll. =P
Shouldn't it be "breathe deeply"?
@someone: I think so.
Whelp, Bisected wins again. :P
Okay, this is completely off topic, but does anyone else think its weird that her ear ring is almost the same size as her ear, if not bigger?
Unrelated comment, but can someone remind me of which days does the comic update?
Normally m/w/f.
How about: "What the fuck is going on?"
someone is quite correct. Breath is pronounced like "to take a breath" or "she took my breath away", while breathe is pronounced like "breathe in, breathe out".
This has been your grammar and spelling lesson for the day. :)
...On another note, the question I'd ask is "what is home"?
NUUUUUUUUU, I caught up! WHY!?!?!?
Awesome comic Neo. I love how you've done your art style.
Thank you!
@Neo: I did some Burk pixelart a few days ago, and I can't remember whether or not I've given you the link yet, so here it is just in case: http://themunchkinman.thecomicseries.com/files/images/extra/burk.png
Either way, this continues to be a cool comic.
@2ndShade: Yes, that might be a useful question to know the answer to.
@Bisected: No, probably not a troll. Then again, I have no clue what she actually IS. Clearly something magical though.
One of my friends (taller than me) told me that in elementary school she had a huge crush on a skinny boy, and all she ever did to get his attention was to push him to the ground. Poor boy he was much smaller, he must have been confused and, scared.. :( lmao