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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, November 10 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood


Looking quite heroic there, Noah!

5416: Pirate-Rob - Monday, November 10 2014 - 12:08 AM

Hehehe, Aude's face.

5417: whitemanPT - Monday, November 10 2014 - 12:28 AM

If the shield was any indication i didnt expect nothing heroic still he could have saved his statue imitation for another time

5418: Bisected8 - Monday, November 10 2014 - 2:14 AM

WMG: Under nail's mask is a tiny Rakk hive!

5419: Hawkeye - Monday, November 10 2014 - 2:52 AM

Nail 9000: I'm afraid I can't do that Dave... Elf... whoever you are...

5420: giovanni - Monday, November 10 2014 - 4:51 AM

the mask is now the wager.
the elf win and it goes down!

5421: someone - Monday, November 10 2014 - 7:39 AM

I guess Aude's in another country now.

5422: pkrcel - Monday, November 10 2014 - 8:34 AM

Now, I think Aude will be REALLY angry. ^_^

5423: Silly Name - Monday, November 10 2014 - 8:53 AM

This elf looks like it is seriously bipolar. Or has ADD. In any case, he seems to switch his focus and mood with the flip of a switch, which sort of makes him more dangerous/creepy. Would YOU want to fight the dude who decides to come at your head for not striking his fancy?

Also, was that blood? I wonder how Aude is doing... And if the punch pushed her off the roof, she's probably dead.

Of course, she might be so pissed off she resurrects just to maul the elf into oblivion.

5424: Outlaw - Monday, November 10 2014 - 9:52 AM

C'mon Noah! Smack that jerk! He just sent your homegirl flying!

5425: 2ndShade - Monday, November 10 2014 - 12:12 PM

I think so.

5426: random - Monday, November 10 2014 - 2:55 PM

And there you see the difference between a "shove" and a "shove". One of them was provoked.

I still like this guy. Bit of a jerk, but he doesn't attack someone he has no reason to, which is still kind of a good trait. (Well, as long as he doesn't find one, which seems to be pretty easy. )

44899: Lumus Of Failing - Thursday, December 5 2024 - 9:03 AM

"I'm not with them."

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