Monday, October 6 2014 - 12:04 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Admiral Jones
... No matter how strong you are, you'll never be stronger than a bullet through the head.
... No matter how strong you are, you'll never be stronger than a bullet through the head.
unless you have regeneration...
...or maybe are a hydra...
We cover familiar ground.
Familiar, but... different.
She has yet to meet elf who can outsmart boolet.
And Bisected8 wins. XD I was thinking the exact same thing.
Well, that was quick.
Kind of a shame, I liked the elf, and would've wanted to know more about what the heck is going on.
On the other hand, the Admiral is the most badass military leader ever and I'm happy to see her dishing out justice in bullet form.
and next comic we see the answer of what happens when you bring a gun to a magic fight.
@whitemanpt: You win?
i'm sorry I play too many video games!
Well... Hope you weren't lieing about those other elves buddy!
Nice shot indeed! That's a line I was looking forward to :D
I disagree, Neo. Try to put a bullet through an invulnerable guy's head, or simply someone that's not made of flesh. It just won't happen.
Admiral Jones is the name of the bullet.
Hey, I've been thinking... In the old comic, we had a "president" as well. (I think it was due to a revolution who let the emperor keep his title but without any actual power?) Is that true here as well, or the empire is a monarchy in this version?
@Silly Name
You're correct, I've streamlined some elements of the story a bit to help with the update rate but I'll probably reference that fact eventually.
I've actually switched around quite a number of factoids to being revealed later or earlier. (a counter example is that the bandit was actually always meant to secretly be nobility, but this time I've made that clear from the start.)
Some people think they can outsmart me...maybe...maybe...I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet...