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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

The Hero.

If there ever was a moment worth stuttering at.

4210: Ellian - Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 1:37 AM

These colors are gorgeous. :O

4211: Bisected8 - Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 4:52 AM

...is his skin grey?

4212: NPC Villager #3 - Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 8:43 AM

TTTT The Hero, huh? Kind of a weird name. Maybe it stands for Theodore Thaddeus Thomas Thranson.

4213: phyrex - Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 9:45 AM

burk seems happy, worthy challenge ahead for him to beat on ! :P

4214: Tom - Wednesday, March 12 2014 - 1:31 PM

Very, very awesome!

Loved the pacing for the last few pages.

And that last panel... damn.

Is he reading a book on "How to be Even More Awesome"?

4215: giovanni - Thursday, March 13 2014 - 8:21 AM

so the hero beat him up without looking

4216: Pirate-rob - Thursday, March 13 2014 - 2:57 PM

I actaully think he's writing it.
Very nice house you have there Hero.

5694: newllend (henryvolt) - Thursday, December 25 2014 - 10:28 PM

Look at this Akuma looking mother fucker! Yes!!!

9106: Robin - Sunday, April 17 2016 - 7:34 PM

I love the windows!

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