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  • The Happy Spork

Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, February 7 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Don't worry.

They should be happy they actually discussed this with Burk.

It'd probably lead to some bad misunderstandings if they didn't.

4120: Hawkeye - Friday, February 7 2014 - 3:17 AM

Third panel from the start, right after "NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY!", it should be hero's not heroes'. Unless I'm missing something.

4121: giovanni - Friday, February 7 2014 - 3:35 AM

its true that burk can jump to conclusions. and he can jump mighty far

4122: Bisected8 - Friday, February 7 2014 - 4:22 AM

I guess they've got Burk's number. =P

4123: Tom - Saturday, February 8 2014 - 2:21 AM

Love Burks "Shiny-eye" expression.

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