Monday, January 13 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Upper Class behaviour.
Why yes, the aristocrat is holding a one legged guard up by his one leg.
This page is a metaphor for society en large.
Why yes, the aristocrat is holding a one legged guard up by his one leg.
This page is a metaphor for society en large.
that aristocrat is a bully at heart. no wonder he was in a prison before the reboot.
Shouldn't his arms be dangling? o-o
He's got a lot of upper body strength, he's trying to intimidate the aristocrat by keeping his arms up in defiance.
Neo's explanations remove any possible doubt at inaccurate drawing xD
"Society en large"? Does that mean how society gets enlarged by pulling it from its legs and turning it upside down?
I am lost again, but, since there probably wouldn't be a quiz...