Monday, January 6 2014 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

And so everyone discusses their important contribution to defeating the bandits.
Hm.. talking about bandits ...
And so everyone discusses their important contribution to defeating the bandits.
Hm.. talking about bandits ...
Oh, man, how cruel of them to eat those pigs D:
i see two roasted pigs but somehow i doubt that burk would sacrifice his possible future giant mounts
It's debatable whether the enchantments made them aggressive, or they were just living out their pig dream of puking acid everywhere, but they were part of the problem, so one could see why the villagers might want to eat them.
On the other hand, people eat pigs, and that might just be the end of it. And the pigs probably had a more fulfilled life than pigs have nowadays.
Nice party!
Meanwhile, at the Bandit HQ, Bandit Leader goes "Guys, guys, our WEAKEST minions got beaten by some pantless dude! Let's send the STRONG ones now lol"
This is a cute moment, a little victory get together with everyone. It's like something you'd see at the end of a movie when everyone is safe and sound and the credits roll. I sound sappy don't I? Still love this comic.
Now I know why you missed out on that twister pun earlier :D
I just noticed, you left out the pig expert! Way to undervalue your best character
if you pay careful attention the pig expert was actually the weapon store clerk!
i didnt realize piggies were on the table...
I really like the funny little details in your comic, e.g., 'I don't want to hear about your fetish'. It kinda brings me back to when I read YuYu Hakusho.