Monday, December 30 2013 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Technically speaking
Burk admit the toilet fetch-quest wasn't his real motivation.
Burk admit the toilet fetch-quest wasn't his real motivation.
Neorice, messing with TV Tropes since birth.
Also, nice page! We get some straight-ish answers from our hero of dubious mental faculties.
Burk has an eye? O.o ...looks so weird...
Well, he did need the toilet. Any excuse to beat up villains I guess.
Hey, I wrote that! D=
...then again I wrote most of the page. A little help would be nice, guys. ¬_¬
We've all beaten up a few villains for a toilet before.
First of all, that's a pretty amazing harness Burk has, what with the disappearing straps and all.
Second, here's Burk's daily to-do list:
1. Punch soap goblins until the laundry is done
2. Rescue groceries from Evil Walmart Wizards
3. Beat up boar riders to gain access to toilet (done)
4. Retrieve (and use) toothbrush from the lair of the mint dragon.
So I guess he /was/ telling the truth about beating up evil for reasons other than toilet access.