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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, September 25 2013 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

The Shirtless Saviour

One of Burk's many nicknames.

3788: Bisected8 - Wednesday, September 25 2013 - 4:12 AM

The Snobby One and Shirtless Saviour sound vaguely like LPer handles.

3789: giovanni - Wednesday, September 25 2013 - 6:13 AM

burk is the solution to everything.
if it doesn't work at first, you simply haven't been using enough burk.

3790: Bisected8 - Wednesday, September 25 2013 - 10:43 AM

@giovanni: What if the problem's people being Burk'd?

...what? It's a legitimate verb.

3791: Tom - Wednesday, September 25 2013 - 11:52 AM

That guy in the last panel is totally right.

Also, the nameless hero keeps reminding me of Ganondorf. It must be the hair.

3792: Zeratanus - Thursday, September 26 2013 - 4:18 PM

Is one of his other nicknames "The Pantless Protagonist"?

13498: wangye - Friday, July 28 2017 - 1:13 AM

Shirtless Saviour sounds sexy

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