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Saturday, September 21 2024 - 5:14 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Let us try to focus.


43731: Cromire - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 6:41 AM

So, I take it they are unaware that Pablo isn't just a diplomat.
But a Royal Diplomat that has ear of the Livarall's Patriarch himself?

43732: someone - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 7:13 AM

How do you get on this board with that much snark

43733: Mars - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 7:29 AM

Poor Pablo.

This is getting uncomfortably realistic, haha. Good drama for the story, though!

43734: Datren - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 9:32 AM


Yeah, this plan might be overlooking that Pablo was dispatched to look into the bandit problem itself. He didn't just manage to stumble into looking into this conspiracy through mere chance.

43735: someone - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 9:55 AM

It doesn't come to their mind to contact Pablo and tell him something like, they're willing to assist his investigation as long as the entire thing remains classified due to the political problems it'd cause if it became public. He's a diplomat. He'd like those terms.

But noooo... It has to be "okay, this was awful but we have to shut up about it, and we're gonna bribe officials in a foreign country so that they also shut up about it". It's just barely a step above "okay, this is awful but I'm just gonna kill those who discover it so I can keep the scheme going".

43736: tomtomy - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 1:02 PM

An interesting aspect not to forget here: This is a world where a single individual can destroy entire cities. It doesn't happen often, but this is a very unstable world where solid diplomatic relations is an absolute necessity to avoid random warbands violently taking over sections of lands.

43737: Some guy - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 1:15 PM

Aka "let's commit crimes so nobody notices we committed crimes".

I see some issues with this line of action.

43738: Paintr - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 7:33 PM

Speaking of Livarall, I think it will be nice to see Pablo in his comfort zone. The guy is resourceful and brave, but this whole event is probably at least a little outside the expectations of his position.

43739: Ghost - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 8:03 PM

This is either going to back fire due to Pablo been sent specifically because of the troubles. Or its going to foul things up with goldie and friends by stopping him reporting about it.

Could be both too we also still don't know how burk figures into how they'll react.

43740: Darius Drake - Saturday, September 21 2024 - 10:40 PM

Pablo isn't a "local politician", though. He's an international politician who is actively given a LOT of money to give out AS bribes.

@ Some guy: On one hand, your thought process makes sense. On the other hand, not only is what you're arguing against a common thought process, it does often work for just long enough that the original crime is no longer a big deal. Especially when done by countries & big enough organizations. An unfortunate truth, but a truth none the less.

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