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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, September 20 2024 - 12:55 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

True punishment.

World cops punished the way they should be.

43706: Darius Drake - Friday, September 20 2024 - 1:16 AM

Now, he's on a "paid vacation", sure. But the question is how pleasant that vacation will be, and if he'll leave Heroland's agreed upon places of authority while on said vacation, with potentially detrimental results.

43707: Eight - Friday, September 20 2024 - 2:01 AM

How about transferring Dolk to the city of Haven? (Depending on when this ark is located in time.)

43708: zet - Friday, September 20 2024 - 2:10 AM

Can't detect if Crimson Star is sarcastic or not.

Besides, what about an "unfortunate accident"? A little magma pit here, a slippery staircase there... could've happened to anyone.

43709: Kardwill - Friday, September 20 2024 - 2:50 AM

Mmmmh... "We were completely in control when our agents murdered random travelers and foreigners, and attempted to assassinate plenipotentiaries of 2 of our member states" doesn't sound like something you'd want to admit, either :/

I suppose Melphred will get some sort of "unofficial" punishment to throw him under the bus and appease Livaria and the Mage king.

43710: Welf - Friday, September 20 2024 - 3:03 AM

It looks like the heroes do have a problem with the corruption of the executives. The original founders just made that up for marketing purposes, but the current generation buys into this.

43711: Silver - Friday, September 20 2024 - 3:05 AM

Damn it! Why'd you have to make your comic so realistic neo?

43712: someone - Friday, September 20 2024 - 3:05 AM

The only hero whose true identity is unknown? Time to speculate! I bet it's Noah in disguise. (Yes, it doesn't make any sense, just going with what's funny instead of what's plausible.)

43713: Zobot257 - Friday, September 20 2024 - 4:06 AM

See, this is why most corrupt organizations have several assassins on speed-dial.

Not that I'm endorsing this option, just stating that what they're doing here seems like like a bad idea. Dolk is essentially a traitor to their organization, someone who facilitated a foreign entity taking it down from within.

I get needing to worry about the optics of the situation. If they admit that they lost control of the situation it makes them look weak and vulnerable among other global powers. Sure. But this essentially amounts to a paid vacation, or quietly pushing someone towards retirement. It makes them seem weak and defanged to anyone in their organizational structure who gets to know the details... like all these white stars.

Who are in a much more sensitive position and could possibly cause much more havoc. Sure, they might not have the contract-maker and the control that scheme affords, and sure, these white stars are likely the ones Heroland trusts most, but the message they've sent is that treson and tretchery have little consequence, and you can profit off it personally.

That's a dangerous message to send to your people. Even if they're your best.

43715: noname - Friday, September 20 2024 - 6:54 AM

The fact that Crimson Star has that exact name ,coupled with the fact that they are the only White Star hero whose true identity is unknown, really gets my gears turning. Like, there are a lot of characters here with a lot of potential, but one whose true identity isn't known? That sounds to me like a detail that's setting up for a dramatic reveal later on in the story.

Btw, question: Crimson Star's true identity is unknown, but does that include their pronouns? Just looking at their lips v. their chin... it's giving off some gender queer/GNC vibes to me... Their costume also reminds me of Commander Sterling's get-up, (and their wry comment about Dolk's "unishment" -- yes, I wrote it like that on purpose -- also sounds like something Steph might say,) so that may be influencing my impression of them...

43716: Ghost - Friday, September 20 2024 - 6:57 AM

I do hope Dolk isn't taking the trip in a small plane or a high rise building accidents always seem to happen when you go on vacation.

43717: Mallory - Friday, September 20 2024 - 7:05 AM

Remember kids: you can either be a good person or a good hero!

But even if you try your best to do both you’ll find yourself crushing dissenters in a hero drop or being forced to do shady things by those up above.

Which is why we say there are no good heroes.

Or said in a catchier way:

Is Ahab, Ahab? Is it I, God, or who, that lifts this arm? But if the great sun move not of himself; but is an errand-boy in heaven; nor one single star can revolve, but by some invisible power; how then can this one small heart beat; this one small brain think thoughts; unless God does that beating, does that thinking, does that living, and not I.

43719: Mars - Friday, September 20 2024 - 7:38 AM

Is this leading up to a "now, if an unfortunate accident were to befall him while he is vacationing... oh well".

43720: Soup - Friday, September 20 2024 - 9:43 AM

Given crimson star’s identity is unknown, who would know if that identity snuck up on dolk, bashed his head with a spirit infused bat and then left

43721: Violet - Friday, September 20 2024 - 5:05 PM

A truly massive chin.

43722: Forum Explorer - Friday, September 20 2024 - 10:35 PM

Instead of washing your hands of a corrupt traitor, protecting him just tells all of your allies that you cannot and should not be trusted.

Even worse, you could be implicitly saying that you agree with Melphred's actions. Which the Mage King and Livuria could even take as an act of war. Even if it doesn't break out into war, you'd probably lose a fair bit of political power and money in avoiding a war.

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