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Friday, September 13 2024 - 12:49 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Not a Civil War.

A spat, at best.

43606: Silver - Friday, September 13 2024 - 1:01 AM

@Sporf You wanted to know Captain Chin's name but little did you know there were two of them...

43607: Eight - Friday, September 13 2024 - 1:39 AM

Maybe someone should go to a talk show with large reach and explain-away the incident, in order to reassure the public?

43608: MaZe - Friday, September 13 2024 - 1:49 AM

He looks like he'd be voice by Giancarlo Esposito,and that's how I'll read his lines.

43609: Tom - Thursday, September 12 2024 - 6:58 PM

Wait wait wait, is THAT the main Wu-Cha? The one that all the others are based off? And it's... a sentient robot?

That's a twist I never expected.

Also, Neorice, how many characters do you want to introduce per scene? It's okay, you can keep it under one dozen :P

43610: Melany - Friday, September 13 2024 - 4:00 AM

Wait wait wait wait wait, Wu-Cha is a member of the top executives? Treated like a full person?

Does that mean that the other ones are just copies made in her image, or is she remotely controlling all of them and secretly moonlighting as a secretary for most of Heroland?

43611: Garrulous - Friday, September 13 2024 - 5:32 AM

No no no no, those two are easily distinguished. Clearly the one is Captain Chin and the other is Chin Lord.

43612: Charter - Friday, September 13 2024 - 5:43 AM

Is that a robotic white star hero?

43613: Zyzyzyryxy - Friday, September 13 2024 - 6:11 AM

Those two square chin heroes' outfits remind me of Superman and Batman respectively. One wears a tight shirt with a letter on his chest and a cape, the other wearing a mask covering his face from the nose up and pointy ears and dark, almost black outfit.

43614: Woodledude - Friday, September 13 2024 - 7:14 AM

@Silver No no no, don't worry. No one would confuse Captain Chin with Chin Demon, Eater of Chins Hero.

43615: Franz - Friday, September 13 2024 - 7:40 AM

Is Wu-Cha the mother of all mini Wu-Chas?

43616: RandomFan - Friday, September 13 2024 - 7:04 PM

I'm most curious about the only one we can see that we can't say has a chin, now. (The one with an H on their mask/helmet/face... depending on which thing is the closest word.)

I'm not surprised that Wu-Cha is being treated like - and successfully functioning like - a full person. I doubt Heroland built her with their own resources, if she isn't a person they wouldn't be the people who'd know that.

I only wonder if she is actually technology-based, or if she - and, perhaps, the Mini Chas - are based on magic or spirit or something instead? Aping the vibes of a different school probably isn't that difficult, after all.

43617: Syhkane - Friday, September 13 2024 - 11:21 PM

I feel like Wu-Cha is an Avatar of Magilante. This one here might not even be a robot, and her skillset could be magitech related, producing, or having Magilante produce them for her.

43628: Paintr - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 9:00 AM

She could be a human who put themselves into a robot body too. Or something even more confusing.

43631: Deliverance - Saturday, September 14 2024 - 11:44 AM


Wu-cha is a member of the white star heroes (of whom this is a gathering), not the top executives.

Slade, introduced on the previous page, is the only one who is both a white star hero and a top executive.

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