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Friday, July 26 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Why can't anything go right?

*polite cough* ... Karma.

42819: Sporf - Friday, July 26 2024 - 12:04 AM

Sounds like the other executives that are 'waiting it out' are actually on a mission to cover their own butts.

42820: Ghost - Friday, July 26 2024 - 12:19 AM

No pretty sure you do deserve to be dragged into this charlie foxtrot, but hey you do you!

42821: Soup - Friday, July 26 2024 - 12:34 AM

Oh, I think I understand the paintings in the background now. The one with the green and red eyes is showing the hero on the dinosaur who is a special rank of hero called superstar. That is why the star is multi colored. We found out about that rank in the patreon. The light colored painting must represent white star heroes. And the one with the crab shows a black star so it must be showing a black star hero, which I think is first mentioned in the trivia game in Tobi’s section. Also I think there is a figure on the top of the crab which also reminds me of something from the patreon. It makes sense that the meeting room for the local executives would have art showing off the three special ranks of heroes

42822: Ahriman - Friday, July 26 2024 - 1:44 AM

So, the other board members have their own emergency plan... good, they are not totally stupid

42823: Kardwill - Friday, July 26 2024 - 1:48 AM

Well, lookit at our poor innocent execs getting all distraught that there might be personnal consequences for the string of murders and banditry they've been organising/covering up.

42825: noname - Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:31 AM

Eh, I'm pretty sure the rest of the executives have been 120% complicit and on board with Melphred's plans so far. Only reason why they are having second thoughts NOW is because his plan is imploding, and that's bad for their personal safety and profits... So I guess that "we don't deserve being dragged into your mess" is less-so "we don't deserve being dragged into Melphred's immoral actions because we have done nothing wrong" and more "we don't deserve to ALL hang for our crimes just because Melphred happens to mess up."

For the record, I actually really hope that the executives end up unalived at the end of all this.

42826: Tor - Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:10 AM

Good observation on the bagground star pictures. It does seem very plausible thats whats going on.
That it showcase each hero rank

42827: Otter Claw - Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:11 AM

Progress on Burk? Oh you sweet summer suit, there's only progress from Burk on you, because you are just another corrupt badguy on his list to cross out in due time.

42828: Baprr - Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:13 AM

Next page, Burk's just surrounded by a dozen of heroes in various states of beaten up.

42829: Welf - Thursday, July 25 2024 - 10:27 PM

@Soup Well spoted, I used to think that those were portraits of White Star heroes. I joined the Patreon recently and didn't make the connection.

42830: Tom - Thursday, July 25 2024 - 10:52 PM

I love that there's a designated "intrigue phone call area" in the building.

42831: Strannik - Friday, July 26 2024 - 9:01 AM

Nice deductions Soup !

42832: player_03 - Friday, July 26 2024 - 11:31 AM

I've been wondering why Burk hasn't gone on the offense (other than the one footstool on UVC). Hopefully we either get to see him do so, or we learn what the holdup is.

But more likely he's going to enter the building to save Evyle, putting his painting in further peril.

42833: Risk - Friday, July 26 2024 - 9:09 PM

Oh hey, the hero in the white star painting is the rank 2 white star hero, I remember that background detail in burk page 1377

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