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Monday, July 1 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Icy Queen

T'is her.

42512: Sporf - Monday, July 1 2024 - 12:20 AM

I like Passion more and more as this progresses.

42513: RandomFan - Monday, July 1 2024 - 12:22 AM

hmmm... Scullybug seems increasingly likely to be "medically salvageable". With prompt and effective treatment she could probably survive with only long-term non-lethal damage.

Pudu and the shady shader, meanwhile... well, if they don't have spare bodies, I wouldn't bet on their survival.

42514: Saiko - Monday, July 1 2024 - 12:25 AM

Pablo should be surprised because she didn't have powers back when they met.

Anyway, it's not visible there, but on some previous page there was a door from the aircraft hanging over Pablo. I wonder how the bad heroes did that drop with such precision, I thought they would simply smash Pablo to a pulp and then just place the door in a tasteful manner.

42515: Anthony - Sunday, June 30 2024 - 5:52 PM

For the greater good... hey, name-drop to prior comic.

42516: Fuz - Monday, July 1 2024 - 2:26 AM

Burry? :p

42517: MaZe - Monday, July 1 2024 - 2:50 AM

I'm still surprised sky-stroke is helping cause he has nothing to gain. I don't remember him losing his powers.

42518: AnonymousPerson - Monday, July 1 2024 - 3:31 AM

So... Is this a frozen people are fine comic, or a frozen people are dead comic?

42519: someone - Monday, July 1 2024 - 4:02 AM

Scully's been muldered!

42520: random - Monday, July 1 2024 - 4:05 AM

"You've given me a debt to repay"


"And for that, I'm giving you a lifetime free consumption of my best icy slushies! Special flavors not included."

42521: Kardwill - Monday, July 1 2024 - 4:59 AM

Well, technically, Pudu has a lot of spare bodies ^^
But unless he did something about the fact he's color-coded for convenience, that's his original that just got the extreme cryotherapy, so yeah, unless we're on "comic logic", ouch!

42522: Potatopeelerkind - Monday, July 1 2024 - 5:08 AM

@RandomFan That depends on whether this comic operates by cartoon logic or not. It seems to depend on the day.

42523: Silver - Monday, July 1 2024 - 5:31 AM

Barry is once again just there xD

42524: Tom - Sunday, June 30 2024 - 10:39 PM

@Anthony - Indeed!

42525: Hmm - Monday, July 1 2024 - 9:11 AM

Barry looks kind of haunted about teaming up with Passion and Silent in this endeavor.

42526: TaranAlvein - Monday, July 1 2024 - 10:26 AM

@Hmm - It may just be a look of realization. We've seen how he isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

42527: Straightbackward - Monday, July 1 2024 - 10:47 AM

Well, most heroes are accounted for.
How about Night-Stud? Icy and Stud were friends, right?

42528: The_Squished_Elf - Monday, July 1 2024 - 11:39 AM

@MaZe I’m pretty sure that’s just a convenient fist Sky-Stroke left behind while fighting Burk, I’d be very surprised if he’s actually teamed up with Passion Barry & Silent.

42529: Sporf - Monday, July 1 2024 - 12:59 PM

@MaZe - Skystroke isn't here yet, presumably he'll get involved soon though. Though his appearance on the talk show doesn't necessarily indicate which side of the fight he was on. I have an idea or two of why he might choose our heroes's side though. We'll see what happens.

42530: Some guy - Monday, July 1 2024 - 2:51 PM

Yes. Yes it is.

42531: Melany - Monday, July 1 2024 - 3:26 PM

Skystroke still should have his "spirits" crushed, and realistically is probably not going to be joining this fight.

Nightshade said he needs to find out some information. He's probably busy doing something in the shadows.

42532: player_03 - Monday, July 1 2024 - 4:07 PM

My money's on Nightshade being on his own side. Not necessarily trying to influence the outcome, just trying to make sure he has leverage over whoever wins.

42533: Dubu - Monday, July 1 2024 - 8:16 PM

I still think that Icy Queen design it's very cool

42534: que - Monday, July 1 2024 - 9:45 PM

honestly fine with this being a 'frozen people die' situation.

Pudu made his choice and got iced immediately following it.

42535: Flangan - Tuesday, July 2 2024 - 1:44 AM

About the frozen person Alice or dead thing.

The pirate of the storm Got turned into Gold. We are told then, that her spirit protects her and she will escape.

Following this line of thoughts, it is reasonable to think that the shade and pudu can both keep themselves alive with spirit, while also being stuck.

But that is just my theory;)

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