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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, May 24 2024 - 10:18 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

That cunning bastard.

Oh nooo is it true ?!

42028: Violet - Friday, May 24 2024 - 10:34 PM

Probably not, but he'd be happy to fight whoever they send after him.

42029: The_Squished_Elf - Friday, May 24 2024 - 10:37 PM

Only very tangentially related to the page, but Burk has fixed a glitch that was freezing my file explorer. So thanks, Burk!

42030: Kiithnaras - Friday, May 24 2024 - 3:49 PM

You know...it just might. Probably not, but at this point, Burk is pure chaos - unpredictable to the letter.

42031: Sloss - Friday, May 24 2024 - 11:28 PM

To this day, we still have no idea if burk is smart or not

42032: Neijan - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 12:34 AM

If there is any, I doubt Burk put it there.

42033: noname - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 1:23 AM

And so people once again make the mistake of trying to read deeper into what motivates Burk's actions instead of just doing what Evyle did: Take him at face value. xD

I swear, if Burk's painting is destroyed, I don't have any hope left for the executives. The moment they make this personal, they sign their own Burkination warrant.

42034: someone - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 1:31 AM

Nooo! They're going to kill the painting!

42035: Bogg - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 1:58 AM

Heh, "Cunning bastard"...me thinks the first part is not a common accusation for Burk, but the second one...

42036: Some guy - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 2:33 AM

This guy is totally going to blow up the whole thing for no actual reason.

42037: Zyzyzyryxy - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 3:15 AM

Ahh, the perfect enigma: man with his own values and agenda. Rarity in current world (both ours and the comic one)

42038: Thursday - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 4:30 AM

oh no i can't believe there was evidence hidden inside of the giant painting of a giant pig

42039: Neoriceisgood - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 5:18 AM

Do you think Neo would let me impersonate him in his own comments section?

42040: Knight - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 5:33 AM

I love how, despite interacting with Burk in person, they still haven’t realized.
Or maybe this guy is like a lot of us and thinks Burk’s at least partly faking being dumber than a box of rocks.

42041: BlurredAspect - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 5:57 AM

Do love it when someone assumes their enemy is just as devious as them and projects it so hard they blunder their way into a different dilemma.

True they have no idea who Burk is or his character (and neither do the readers really given he has some hidden depths regardless as his esper related abilities and situational awareness showcase.) but it's amusing to see them drawing lines where there is likely a circle.

42042: Neoriceisgroovy - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 8:06 AM

@Neoriceisgood guy

Typically he doesn't use his name but "Author's note" as his handle in the comments section anyway. Better luck tomorrow!

42043: Mallory - Saturday, May 25 2024 - 1:09 AM

Last time everyone thought Burk was silly for interrogating cats, and a cat ended up being a pretty critical piece of the puzzle. I have faith in Burk's reality shifting powers - this painting IS critical evidence.

Ludvigs evidence was centered around weaponized pigs. This painting is pigs.

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