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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, May 24 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

He left just as rapidly.

But did he take anything with?!

42022: Aston Whiteman - Friday, May 24 2024 - 1:15 AM

Pretty sure the painting is a chekovs gun with hidden secrets.

Only reason to keep referring to it...

42023: giovanni - Friday, May 24 2024 - 2:29 AM

the painting
he took the painting

42024: Strannik - Friday, May 24 2024 - 8:55 AM

and now the executives will think the painting was important !

42025: Silver - Friday, May 24 2024 - 10:44 AM

Dammit Burk, why are you suddenly so less punch-y?

42027: que - Friday, May 24 2024 - 3:29 PM

guess Burk's suddenly worried about the low durability of his Morty shield?

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