There's gotta be a MASSIVE catch to that agreement.
41606: someone - Friday, April 19 2024 - 3:12 AM
I kind of wonder what this "permission to intrude" exactly entails. It has got to be where the loophole is. I don't think it gives Vonney the ability to control Evyle.
41607: Alcemon - Friday, April 19 2024 - 3:37 AM
If we can't ask a Norbert that means that we are free to speculate.
My theory is that Norbert is having hard time with a kitty and this page is a helpful reference of how to solve his particular problem.
41608: Parm - Friday, April 19 2024 - 3:39 AM
These two worry me on every level
41609: KsCoPe - Thursday, April 18 2024 - 8:50 PM
My guess: After being posessed, Evyles Mind/Spirit secretly escapes to the cat while V. dies. Everybody wants to be a cat. Additionally, this comic simply needs more talking cats (and monster pigs) ;)
41610: Silver - Friday, April 19 2024 - 4:04 AM
A sound plan.
Not sure which one of them will win but everyone else loses.
41611: simplybecause - Friday, April 19 2024 - 4:22 AM
Tell Norbert that I said hi (IDK who Norbert even is, I just love telling people to tell complete strangers that I said hi)
41612: someone - Friday, April 19 2024 - 4:34 AM
Wait a sec, didn't she hint earlier in the comic that this wasn't her real name? I would imagine offering a false name would break the aspect of the contract Vonesperda is hoping for, would it not? This would effectively leave Vonesperda with no connections to any espers whatsoever.
Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but you can't be a burkian agent of chaos without screwing with someone's mind at least once.
41613: Daran - Friday, April 19 2024 - 4:43 AM
What dirt does Norbert have on you, Neo? Blink twice if you need help.
41614: Bogg - Friday, April 19 2024 - 5:26 AM
Well Vone, if you take this deal your arrogance clearly outweigh your common sense.
41615: Deliverance - Friday, April 19 2024 - 8:04 AM
No, she didn't. She told Burk she intentionally changed her name to Evyle, that's all, and nothing we've been told in the story so far hints at "true names" or other magical trickery that makes her new name not be her real one.
41616: Zyzyzyryxy - Friday, April 19 2024 - 1:16 AM
I think either Evyle has something that prevents Vonesperda from taking control of her, effectively tricking her into loosing all power, or Evyle is going to somehow sacrifice herself to take V with her to the grave.
I guess this will be something completely different then :-)
41617: someone - Friday, April 19 2024 - 8:56 AM
You're disagreeing with me and then backing up the exact statement I made. Everything else you're saying has nothing to do with that and is my own speculation, which can not be right or wrong.
41618: Anthony - Friday, April 19 2024 - 9:00 AM
Evyle already stated in panel 3 what the catch is -- "The real fight isn't the one we'll have out here". She's betting that she can beat Vonesperda after possession (and, if Vonesperda accepts, presumably its because it's betting the other way).
41619: Sporf - Friday, April 19 2024 - 12:39 PM
@someone. I'd be willing to bet that at least a few heroes sugned the original contracts with their hero names. I'm guessing the "I, [insert name here]..." leaves little doubt about who "I" is for the purposes of the verbal contract. I don't think whatever the plan is would work if giving a fake name or just changing your name invalidateed the contract unless the spirit was really dim, which we know Vonsperde is not. Especially since Vonsperde knows that Evyle is not her original name. Im pretty sure as long as it clear who the participating parties are, im guessing the contract is good. That's my thoughts at least. I'm guessing she is expecting to be strong enough to over power and suppress Vonny once inside.
41620: Saiko - Friday, April 19 2024 - 3:38 PM
Evyle feels lonely.
41621: anon - Friday, April 19 2024 - 8:44 AM
That seems quite a renegotiation from "submit or burn"... So yeah, there's gotta be a big catch.
41622: TaranAlvein - Friday, April 19 2024 - 5:00 PM
Norbert is Shaggy's real name, in Scooby Doo... At least in modern continuities. I don't know about older ones, where he was able to legally sign a contract as "Shaggy Rogers". In any case, I suspect it's a Scooby Doo reference, to how Shaggy isn't Shaggy's real name, it's Norbert.
Evyle said she changed her name to that, but did she do so legally? If not, or if given names don't change just because the law recognizes a new name, then she could wriggle her way out, no problem.
41623: Tor - Friday, April 19 2024 - 6:12 PM
Yeah i agree. This isnt a case of contract trickery. Its just Evile inviting Vonesperda into her head, so she can beat it on her home field.
There's gotta be a MASSIVE catch to that agreement.
I kind of wonder what this "permission to intrude" exactly entails. It has got to be where the loophole is. I don't think it gives Vonney the ability to control Evyle.
If we can't ask a Norbert that means that we are free to speculate.
My theory is that Norbert is having hard time with a kitty and this page is a helpful reference of how to solve his particular problem.
These two worry me on every level
My guess: After being posessed, Evyles Mind/Spirit secretly escapes to the cat while V. dies. Everybody wants to be a cat. Additionally, this comic simply needs more talking cats (and monster pigs) ;)
A sound plan.
Not sure which one of them will win but everyone else loses.
Tell Norbert that I said hi (IDK who Norbert even is, I just love telling people to tell complete strangers that I said hi)
Wait a sec, didn't she hint earlier in the comic that this wasn't her real name? I would imagine offering a false name would break the aspect of the contract Vonesperda is hoping for, would it not? This would effectively leave Vonesperda with no connections to any espers whatsoever.
Wishful thinking, I'm sure, but you can't be a burkian agent of chaos without screwing with someone's mind at least once.
What dirt does Norbert have on you, Neo? Blink twice if you need help.
Well Vone, if you take this deal your arrogance clearly outweigh your common sense.
No, she didn't. She told Burk she intentionally changed her name to Evyle, that's all, and nothing we've been told in the story so far hints at "true names" or other magical trickery that makes her new name not be her real one.
I think either Evyle has something that prevents Vonesperda from taking control of her, effectively tricking her into loosing all power, or Evyle is going to somehow sacrifice herself to take V with her to the grave.
I guess this will be something completely different then :-)
You're disagreeing with me and then backing up the exact statement I made. Everything else you're saying has nothing to do with that and is my own speculation, which can not be right or wrong.
Evyle already stated in panel 3 what the catch is -- "The real fight isn't the one we'll have out here". She's betting that she can beat Vonesperda after possession (and, if Vonesperda accepts, presumably its because it's betting the other way).
@someone. I'd be willing to bet that at least a few heroes sugned the original contracts with their hero names. I'm guessing the "I, [insert name here]..." leaves little doubt about who "I" is for the purposes of the verbal contract. I don't think whatever the plan is would work if giving a fake name or just changing your name invalidateed the contract unless the spirit was really dim, which we know Vonsperde is not. Especially since Vonsperde knows that Evyle is not her original name. Im pretty sure as long as it clear who the participating parties are, im guessing the contract is good. That's my thoughts at least. I'm guessing she is expecting to be strong enough to over power and suppress Vonny once inside.
Evyle feels lonely.
That seems quite a renegotiation from "submit or burn"... So yeah, there's gotta be a big catch.
Norbert is Shaggy's real name, in Scooby Doo... At least in modern continuities. I don't know about older ones, where he was able to legally sign a contract as "Shaggy Rogers". In any case, I suspect it's a Scooby Doo reference, to how Shaggy isn't Shaggy's real name, it's Norbert.
Evyle said she changed her name to that, but did she do so legally? If not, or if given names don't change just because the law recognizes a new name, then she could wriggle her way out, no problem.
Yeah i agree. This isnt a case of contract trickery. Its just Evile inviting Vonesperda into her head, so she can beat it on her home field.