Sunday, March 31 2024 - 12:06 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

And with that we end the first part of Held's introductory arc.
Held will update with new chapters a bit slower than the other characters as I tend to focus on finishing entire story beats in a single go with her, so now we'll be returning to the regular crew for a while.
We've got some long running story arcs to finish!
Heads up: new vote incentive on top web comics going up tomorrow to celebrate the new month & I'll also be starting a new side story on Patreon, Storm at Sea.
Listen man, that was beautiful and I love you. You know that right? Also looking forward to the new story on patreon, keep em coming!
What a journey huh folks?, man ngl loved this introduction.
Oh boy I wonder who we’re gonna jump back to? Nightmares Boogaloo Noah? Burk burking around? Or Tobi trying to not die in a game show about dying?
Am I the only one who noticed the "fan wiki" button? Was that always there? Am I going insane?
Also what happens if he runs out of story? Will he get stabbed?
Welp, thank god that’s finally over. I’m not really sure if I liked Held’s story or not…
Also god dammit I forgot my own name.
That was a nice chapter, thank you Neorice !
@simplybecause Nah, I think that's new, I haven't seen it before either.
Applause and praise!