Thursday, February 22 2024 - 2:48 PM
By: Zalander

Lemonade's factory.
One man's lemonade is another man's poison, as they say.
Zahahaha ... ah wait, I made that up myself. Zalander.
One man's lemonade is another man's poison, as they say.
Zahahaha ... ah wait, I made that up myself. Zalander.
And those are the lemonade factory workers!
Or what's left of them, at least.
Do not drink the angry lemonade.
Maybe the lemonade is actually fine and these guys died of something unrelated?
Good job Held, you found the Technomancer's stash of the Panera Supercharged Lemonade.
Hey, Valiant, come here! You like to kick stuff, don't you? Here are tubes to be kicked! Kick that bucket!, I wanted to say tube.