There's a typo in panel 3. You wrote "Valiant" instead of "Garth".
39961: noname - Friday, December 15 2023 - 5:44 AM
HAH! IN YOUR FACE, COMMENT SECTION THEORISTS! YOU WERE ALL WRONG AND I-- well, I never had a stake in this particular theory either way, but still, we gotta remember the important thing: YOU WERE ALL WRONG! XD
39962: Tor - Friday, December 15 2023 - 6:08 AM
So.. interesting. Held is also stuck in the prison.
39969: Paintr - Friday, December 15 2023 - 11:09 AM
Held could also be in Vallance, but not in the prison?
40000: Gobo - Saturday, December 16 2023 - 8:09 PM
"Us" could also just mean "why you and I are here talking about it now".
There's a typo in panel 3. You wrote "Valiant" instead of "Garth".
HAH! IN YOUR FACE, COMMENT SECTION THEORISTS! YOU WERE ALL WRONG AND I-- well, I never had a stake in this particular theory either way, but still, we gotta remember the important thing: YOU WERE ALL WRONG! XD
So.. interesting. Held is also stuck in the prison.
Held could also be in Vallance, but not in the prison?
"Us" could also just mean "why you and I are here talking about it now".