Friday, December 8 2023 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

ANNO 2345
Let's head into the forest of ruin!
And hey! Yes Howzer is alive! He made it through that night!
Let's head into the forest of ruin!
And hey! Yes Howzer is alive! He made it through that night!
The most experienced character for spirit recoil in this series that I know of would be Noah.
I have no idea if the plot/timelines/anything would allow for them to meet, though :D
The dog is alive, but what was the toll on his mental condition? He seems awfully quiet.
Held has levelled up to her 5th image in the header. :-)
Only now at 8 years of age, has Held gained a nose with which to master the fabled spirit sniff technique
Actually, Gaston would have more "experience" with that. Of course, I don't know if he can really HELP exactly, since his strategy seems to be to just power through it on sheer determination.