Sunday, November 19 2023 - 11:12 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Let's get to this!
For the rest of the year there'll be multiple updates each day, enjoy this surprise mega-event!
Let's get to this!
For the rest of the year there'll be multiple updates each day, enjoy this surprise mega-event!
First! :D
Holy cow man, you are a webcomic /monster/
How big is your backlog, out of curiosity?
new character new character new character new character new character new character new character new character new character
Well, I mean, I don't have anything against being spoiled for the rest of the year. ^^
Ah, so we aren't getting daily updates anymore because we're instead switching to *multi* daily updates. The horror, the horror. :D
"For the rest of the year"? Starting at November the 19th?
I don't know if I should be worried or impressed, really
@Neorice - I love your content, but I'm starting to worry about the amount you're creating.
Are you SURE you're not getting overworked again?
The overworked stuff was related to my job as a teacher, not so much my art shenanigans.
I just noticed the new character has been added to the left sidebar. The last main character was Tobi in 2015, even earlier counting aptgg.
Very exciting to meet this new character, with multiple updates to top it off!
Another "main character" whose name is 4 letters. I'm sure this isn't going anywhere...
The new hero seems female. That's going to be difficult for me, "Held" means "Hero" in German, and is male.
While I am really glad to escape the eldritch horrors for a bit I can't help but feel this is going to be a new way for neo to rip out our hearts giggling madly...
@ wowee: Well, if you count the pages on Patreon as being a part of the backlog, since I have seen the amount listed as being accessable on the Patreon part of the banner growing over time, I'd say at least 500 pages.
@ Introduction of Held: You know, I had long forgotten that Burk's plan had five people listed, Burk, Robot, Mage, Girl & Cool Guy. Mostly because I was under the impression that Noah would be both Gool Guy & Mage, while Tobi was the Girl who brought the Robot, Three. But with the introduction of Held, we actually have someone who will most likely fit "Mage" without being Pablo, who only does so in appearance. From the character banner, their pink/purple hair could be enough to have them effectively fit the same appearance critera as Pablo, as well.
Age progression on this page implies early childhood, yet the dates cover only 10 years. How?
Age progression on this page implies early childhood to adulthood, yet the dates cover only 10 years. How?
Yeah, just literally name the guy Hero of Draeckynburg, why not.
As a title, it can be applied to both males and females. As a name, it isn't tied to anything because it isn't really used as a name normally.
Grammatical gender is seperate from sex or biological gender.
I love you, Neo.
@Welf Held: past tense and past participle of hold. So, Draeckynburg did hold her. (Inside? Away from? ...?) Or him. Or them. Who are we to say?
Held _van_ Draeckynburg
That's not English. Sounds more like Dutch.