Monday, July 11 2011 - 11:57 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Executive Policy
It's a pun you see, I am so funny.
I really felt like I had something else important to say, but I forgot what it was.
What's up for you guys?
Oh I remember, page 280 yay, 20 pages away from 300.
God I love Eugene
...too 300! XD
I don't know if it's because I've finally found where you had hidden the RSS or because the shorter pages take less time to make; but anyway I'm digging the faster update schedule.
It changed APTGG's category from "read when reminded about it for some reason" to "read regularly" for me.
Eugene will live, yes!
I love this room, your choice in colour is great.
I wonder what the value that Eugene has to the leader.... Hrmmm.
Oh, and yes. Executive Policy, what you use to execute people with. =P
Great comics keep them coming!!
Twenty more pages, and you might be able to take on the Persians.
Proof that Eugene is awesome.
Also: As long as you don't make a "300" Joke (especially not the overdone This is SPARTA) I'm sure whatever you do will be awesome.
If you do use a "300" joke, I will call you on it. And then I will be sad about lowering my previously high standards for APTGG.
I haven't even watched 300.
I feel like I worry too much about this comic.
Darnit Neorice, I'm not sure if this qualifies for too good yet, but it's aweful close if it isn't already.
Keep up the good work.