38154: Zyzyzyryxy - Friday, July 28 2023 - 1:20 AM
Definitely there are some analogies between Ciel and Mini-burks.
Tobi seems to be a kind of esper too, with her ability to see spirits. I am waiting for a few more answers though:
1. Is/will Tobi be acompanied by a spirit herself? I assume there is no spirit now (Paladin would have seen it I guess), but maybe she will acquire one like Noah did?
2. Do all espers see Magilante technology as some form of spirit / magic, but only Tobi and her kin understand what is happening due to scale for example (like silicon chips, but with spirit).
38155: nanashi - Friday, July 28 2023 - 1:25 AM
The mystery of Burk deepens
38156: Paintr - Friday, July 28 2023 - 3:34 AM
So that means Burk is currently making a culture reference. Valuable Burk lore there.
38157: Xyxzz - Friday, July 28 2023 - 5:04 AM
Burk has anime brain confirmed. Then again he probably knows his fanclub has even worse ideas then he does, and doesn't want to rely on such mercurial beings.
@Zyzyzyryxy Magilante technology seems to be the mundane byproduct of something we don't yet understand. The difficultly repairing it is because its out of context technology. No one knows how to make even a blind copy, the highest level of tech seen is the empire and presumably even their tech partially comes from Magilante. Tobi has an ability that lets her scan things, presumably one coming from a relatively high comparable level of tech in both magic and mundane technology. So while even an expert is going to be stumped by a basic broken computer, Tobi basically has access to an encyclopedia of circuit diagrams and tech designs.
This is a world with 80s style skyscrapers in the same current culture as a late renascence castle. I would speculate some items are much easier to copy, like the radios (notably entirely possible to reproduce with 1800s tech)
Without the intermediate steps of development you would likely struggle to clone all but the most basic electronics components, especially if they aren't marked. Tobi is bypassing that and stripping from non-reparable devices.
38158: Zed - Friday, July 28 2023 - 5:58 AM
People are upset about how much is being revealed about Burk, but now we got a new one to spice things up at least a little bit: What is the power of these two spirits, anyway?
38159: player_03 - Friday, July 28 2023 - 7:41 AM
Burk doesn't accept Morty's surrender, confirmed.
Also, loving the dynamic between Burk and the spirits. Who knew Burk was the reasonable one?
38160: Samniel - Friday, July 28 2023 - 8:51 AM
Whoa, proving that Burk is actually in control and not the other way around...
38161: Saiko - Friday, July 28 2023 - 12:41 PM
Spirits? Morty, soon you'll learn about a powerful right hook and a powerful left jab.
38162: TaranAlvein - Friday, July 28 2023 - 4:17 PM
Yeah, I feel like "You Really Should Let Us Punch Someone One of These Days!" would be a pretty popular song.
38163: Charter - Friday, July 28 2023 - 5:46 PM
"(I was about to punch this guy into) The Land of Concave Faces", the new single by the up-and-coming band "BURK!"
38179: Robotumus - Saturday, July 29 2023 - 11:39 PM
Love that Burkes power doesn't come from being an esper it's just a subclass he took to punch ghosts
"No! Go Away!" is a great song title.
Definitely there are some analogies between Ciel and Mini-burks.
Tobi seems to be a kind of esper too, with her ability to see spirits. I am waiting for a few more answers though:
1. Is/will Tobi be acompanied by a spirit herself? I assume there is no spirit now (Paladin would have seen it I guess), but maybe she will acquire one like Noah did?
2. Do all espers see Magilante technology as some form of spirit / magic, but only Tobi and her kin understand what is happening due to scale for example (like silicon chips, but with spirit).
The mystery of Burk deepens
So that means Burk is currently making a culture reference. Valuable Burk lore there.
Burk has anime brain confirmed. Then again he probably knows his fanclub has even worse ideas then he does, and doesn't want to rely on such mercurial beings.
@Zyzyzyryxy Magilante technology seems to be the mundane byproduct of something we don't yet understand. The difficultly repairing it is because its out of context technology. No one knows how to make even a blind copy, the highest level of tech seen is the empire and presumably even their tech partially comes from Magilante. Tobi has an ability that lets her scan things, presumably one coming from a relatively high comparable level of tech in both magic and mundane technology. So while even an expert is going to be stumped by a basic broken computer, Tobi basically has access to an encyclopedia of circuit diagrams and tech designs.
This is a world with 80s style skyscrapers in the same current culture as a late renascence castle. I would speculate some items are much easier to copy, like the radios (notably entirely possible to reproduce with 1800s tech)
Without the intermediate steps of development you would likely struggle to clone all but the most basic electronics components, especially if they aren't marked. Tobi is bypassing that and stripping from non-reparable devices.
People are upset about how much is being revealed about Burk, but now we got a new one to spice things up at least a little bit: What is the power of these two spirits, anyway?
Burk doesn't accept Morty's surrender, confirmed.
Also, loving the dynamic between Burk and the spirits. Who knew Burk was the reasonable one?
Whoa, proving that Burk is actually in control and not the other way around...
Spirits? Morty, soon you'll learn about a powerful right hook and a powerful left jab.
Yeah, I feel like "You Really Should Let Us Punch Someone One of These Days!" would be a pretty popular song.
"(I was about to punch this guy into) The Land of Concave Faces", the new single by the up-and-coming band "BURK!"
Love that Burkes power doesn't come from being an esper it's just a subclass he took to punch ghosts