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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, May 15 2023 - 10:40 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Assistant's fault.


36829: Strannik - Monday, May 15 2023 - 11:20 PM

The eternal dilemma of papperwork in office : it's just a pile of cumbersome trash you'll struggle to put somewhere other than the bin... until you really need it.

36830: Nathan400 - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 2:19 AM

The face of one whose cunning plans have gone wrong on them.

36831: Ahriman - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 4:23 AM

If Evylette is not lying here, some of the executives are a little less guilty than the others; not all of them know the assistant was an Esper, as we have seen before

36832: Some guy - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 6:35 AM

All ze paperwork goes into ze circular file.

36833: Stinger - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 10:01 AM

Evyle for team Burk, set off on an adventure with Burk, Pablo and Sabrina the teenage witch

36834: Tom - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 12:54 PM

Evylette being stumped is a rarity.

36835: Paintr - Tuesday, May 16 2023 - 3:54 PM

If you think you've got an Esper adding secret additions to contracts that's probably going to get you in trouble even if you didn't know who you hired.
Or well, it would except they also have influence over who's going to arrest them.

36837: noname - Wednesday, May 17 2023 - 3:14 AM

You know what, just ALL OF HER FACES. Smug, evil, forced smile, stumped, all of them. Her face is the gift that keeps on giving, like a meme but actually good.

36840: tracer - Wednesday, May 17 2023 - 9:12 AM

@Stinger, you forgot Guy.

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