36358: Sloss - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 12:31 AM
good, we definitely needed a close up on his gorgeous face
36359: Aston Whiteman - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 1:07 AM
.....Yeah, when you get close he's more like a living heart. Nice artwork though!
Nail will transform or explode soon, unless the switch is to force Noah to take action. So many guessing, so little actual clue.
36360: Tom - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 1:11 AM
Nail asking some good questions.
Thanks for the detail, Neo, I HATE IT :D
36361: noname - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 1:41 AM
So, what do we got so far? Chernyl looks to Malhart as this somewhat protective and somewhat scary man, and so Hollowman, being a kind-of nightmare representation of Malhart, is a nightmare that effectively protects her in a way... Malhart knows a lot about the world outside of Haven -- a world that Chernyl knows nothing about -- so, in her imagination, Hollowman knows everything that Malhart knows, and so he does... Hollowman is a nightmare that can exist independently from Chernyl, meaning her survival isn't necessarily the Hollowman's top priority, at least not from the angle that he strictly needs her to stay alive, but maybe more-so from the angle that she's a way for him to be able come back if he's defeated, an issue he won't have to worry about if he renders himself effectively undefeatable... What's more is that the Hollowman is intelligent enough to actively be working towards severing his ties with Chernyl by fostering in her and exploiting a curiosity for the big world outside of Haven (quite possibly by using Malhart's knowledge of the outside world against Chernyl)... Or something like that?
36362: KsCoPe - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 1:56 AM
Poor Veda =(
Yeah, I know, she is evil. Nevertheless, poor Veda...
36365: Jeff - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 5:10 AM
Wow, nice close-up sprite. Been a good long while since we had one of those, if I remember correctly.
36366: Charter - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 5:30 AM
I wonder what his voice is like?
36367: Saiko - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 7:09 AM
If Veda is a shapeshifter, it's possible she can heal her injuries. At least these of physical nature.
36368: Author's Note - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 7:54 AM
Like Gargamel from the Smurfs.
36369: Mal - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 8:04 AM
I think Chernyl also is a way for the Halloween to evolve. He definitely wants to keep her alive, he just thinks the savior team isnt a threat.
Also I think the stronger he sends Chernyl into despair the more she imagines him being unstoppable.
36370: Zed - Wednesday, April 26 2023 - 10:00 AM
I'm surprised nobody is addressing the fact Hallowman literally gave Chernyl worse & worse nightmares to basically make her a weapons factory.
good, we definitely needed a close up on his gorgeous face
.....Yeah, when you get close he's more like a living heart. Nice artwork though!
Nail will transform or explode soon, unless the switch is to force Noah to take action. So many guessing, so little actual clue.
Nail asking some good questions.
Thanks for the detail, Neo, I HATE IT :D
So, what do we got so far? Chernyl looks to Malhart as this somewhat protective and somewhat scary man, and so Hollowman, being a kind-of nightmare representation of Malhart, is a nightmare that effectively protects her in a way... Malhart knows a lot about the world outside of Haven -- a world that Chernyl knows nothing about -- so, in her imagination, Hollowman knows everything that Malhart knows, and so he does... Hollowman is a nightmare that can exist independently from Chernyl, meaning her survival isn't necessarily the Hollowman's top priority, at least not from the angle that he strictly needs her to stay alive, but maybe more-so from the angle that she's a way for him to be able come back if he's defeated, an issue he won't have to worry about if he renders himself effectively undefeatable... What's more is that the Hollowman is intelligent enough to actively be working towards severing his ties with Chernyl by fostering in her and exploiting a curiosity for the big world outside of Haven (quite possibly by using Malhart's knowledge of the outside world against Chernyl)... Or something like that?
Poor Veda =(
Yeah, I know, she is evil. Nevertheless, poor Veda...
Wow, nice close-up sprite. Been a good long while since we had one of those, if I remember correctly.
I wonder what his voice is like?
If Veda is a shapeshifter, it's possible she can heal her injuries. At least these of physical nature.
Like Gargamel from the Smurfs.
I think Chernyl also is a way for the Halloween to evolve. He definitely wants to keep her alive, he just thinks the savior team isnt a threat.
Also I think the stronger he sends Chernyl into despair the more she imagines him being unstoppable.
I'm surprised nobody is addressing the fact Hallowman literally gave Chernyl worse & worse nightmares to basically make her a weapons factory.