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Friday, April 21 2023 - 10:44 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Mortal Shell.

I feel a "but" coming ...

36309: Tom - Friday, April 21 2023 - 11:27 PM

Normal person: "Ohgodthepainimgonnadiesdfsafsfsdafa"

Nail: "Aw man, I'm stuck."

36310: Narzen - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 3:42 AM

This is my guess, but I'm betting nail is much like three in some way. Maybe a better, updated version, maybe not, idk. But I feel there may be a relation

36312: Paintr - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 3:55 AM

So we've got the Golem bros, a different? sort of golem, whatever Nail is, whatever Veda is, and Ghouls too.
There's so many immortals running around I'm starting to wonder if maybe there's some deeper connection between all of them we're not seeing.
Though that connection might be someone going "oh shit immortals" and trying their hand at making their own.

36313: Violet - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 5:43 AM

Veda must be pretty well-hidden, for the guy who saw everyone but Noah coming to think she's human.

Admittedly, we only know she's probably not thanks to Noah stumbling onto some information back in the early chapters.

36314: Mal - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 10:41 AM

Ah, the hallowman can warp as well?

That explains why he doesn't seem very concerned right now.

36315: Eight - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 11:15 AM

Wait, one hand of Hallowman is holding Nail, one is holding Veda, and either he has a third hand holding Noel, or he has set Noel aside for the moment. - If Nail was some golem, he could just initiate self destruction, mushroom cloud in 3,2,1... - Noah, the Hallowman does not know and does not see, do it, now!

36316: Kiithnaras - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 2:07 PM

You should generally avoid feeling butts without consent, Neo ; )

36317: Guest - Saturday, April 22 2023 - 4:59 PM

In the effort to be creepy, Hallowman here is getting awfully close to Veda's mouth. I still don't trust her not to rip off a few limbs with only her teeth...

1, 2,