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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, March 20 2023 - 4:15 PM
By: Neoriceisgood


Catzed verily.

35788: Brilliand - Monday, March 20 2023 - 5:04 PM

...now we're going to get into the boss room and be wishing we had Gaston around for brute force.

'course... that might also be what gives Noah the opening for the Grey Child's plan.

35789: SilverHavoc - Monday, March 20 2023 - 5:16 PM

If Catz didn't just appear exactly above Gazz, they can keep the momentum with a quick flip and yeet the angry swordman directy into the miniplanet. Also, Noah is bleeding. Didn't knew he still had blood left after spending it all bouncing away from puppet Hevel. It's not like these guys have eaten anything since hell broke loose, so they're all running on pure adrenaline.

35790: noname - Monday, March 20 2023 - 5:44 PM

Just like how they don't want to kill Chernyl unless it's literally the only option left, maybe they don't want YOU to run straight into the maws of death so long as there are other alternatives available, Gazz? Maybe they generally value individual lives a little higher than you, as a child of the empire, may be used to?

35791: Zed - Monday, March 20 2023 - 6:55 PM

This is just one of those pages of the webcomic that is infinitely more entertaining to show out-of-context, or as a first page ever for a new reader to see.

Between a buff flying cat carrying an unconscious child in his abs, and a floating statue head being interrogated by a mentally unstable hospital patient.

35792: Kiithnaras - Monday, March 20 2023 - 6:59 PM

It's very simple, Gaston: You are being irrationally bloody-minded, and while your power definitely is respectable, you are showing virtually no restraint in using it. You seem all too eager to kill what the others see as a friend and victim of circumstance, and seem to have convinced yourself that it's okay because she's causing, no matter how indirectly, massive amounts of death and suffering.

35793: Eigth - Tuesday, March 21 2023 - 2:19 AM

But surely you are taking that bubble with Gaston with you, just in case you need him, right?

35794: Tom - Tuesday, March 21 2023 - 5:04 AM

@Zed - So true.

How did Catz get him from above?

Nvm, it's Catz, what can't he do?

A shame it came to this, Gaston.

35795: Montresor - Tuesday, March 21 2023 - 3:13 PM

So is Catz's slime... Nya-ctoplasm

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