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Monday, March 13 2023 - 3:35 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Ruthlessly Murder our Chernyl.


35712: Paintr - Monday, March 13 2023 - 4:14 PM

It might seem like Noel should have an advantage over Gaston at first, but can't Gaston self-destruct his way to victory?

35713: Frozenstep - Monday, March 13 2023 - 4:24 PM

Noah, now would be a decent time to say something.

...But you probably won't. Eh, Persephone can probably just lock Gaston's legs into the stone bridge or something.

35714: Detective Caillou - Monday, March 13 2023 - 4:26 PM

Yeah, I'm in the camp of Noah staying tactically silent because NOBODY can find out that HIS plan (or Grey Child's, really) is effectively for him to STEAL Chernyl's power. XD

35715: Greg the not nightmare - Monday, March 13 2023 - 5:17 PM

Not gonna lie I really don’t see why Chernyl shouldn’t be killed. If I had an extremely powerful and nigh uncontrollable power that could kill thousands of innocent people I’d think it a mercy. That’s too much power and too much danger to out everyone in.

35716: Fan - Monday, March 13 2023 - 10:40 PM

Man, Gaston really needs to take a chill-pill or two! The fact that he's willing to kill without a second thought is troubling as well.

35717: Flangan - Monday, March 13 2023 - 11:04 PM

@fan See it from Gastons side. What would he Experience in the hospital that is almost filled with horrors? But yea :) chill-pill is probably the best.

Also Noah is awake in all of this. Just wanna mention that. (He reacted to catz)

35718: ? - Monday, March 13 2023 - 11:31 PM

they explicitly have anti-magic stuff to use on her that'll disable her powers, so..

not choosing to use that and going with the murder option seems extra-murder-y

that being said, it seems like the two options here are 'murder' or 'hand her over to government officials so she can be used in intentional mass murders against other nations'

but it's probably Nail's call regardless; he should probably brief Gaston on what Veda's intentions were originally/how Nail's next in charge since she's MIA

35719: jeff - Monday, March 13 2023 - 11:42 PM

Does it not occur to Gaston that he is literally standing on top of someone who could drop him into the nether-void whenever she wants to? Like dude I get where ur coming from but, like, come on. You should really pick your battles more wisely than that.

35720: Parm - Tuesday, March 14 2023 - 1:32 AM

Let me guess: Noel's gonna intervene with his magic or something and then Gazz is gonna beat him to shit with the pipe

35721: HexaDoken - Tuesday, March 14 2023 - 5:37 AM

Yeah this isn't a fight Gazz can win. The moment he gains an upper hand, Pespy will just shapeshift a hole and drop him. If she's nice, she might catch him before he hits the ground, if she's not...

The kids can't exactly just hand Chernyl to the government, though. Given justopea's policies, this might be a fate worse than death, assuming this entire debacle won't just cause them to decide "not worth it" and execute her anyway. Of course, with a titan on their side, they have some chance of actually opposing the government.

Of course most of this discussion will probably be moot due to whatever Noah is going to finally do.

35722: zet - Tuesday, March 14 2023 - 9:42 AM

Well. At least technically they can't kill Gazz without compromising their morale.

35723: Brilliand - Tuesday, March 14 2023 - 10:01 AM

@Pam Unless something has changed since the last time Noel and Gaston fought, Noel can't do shit to Gaston, not even disable his magic.

On the other hand, Katz or Persephone could probably incapacitate Gaston easily.

35724: Some guy - Tuesday, March 14 2023 - 6:31 PM

I don't think he can, regardless of any desire to. He still has that ridiculous contraption attached to his face.

35735: Parm - Thursday, March 16 2023 - 12:33 AM

Let me guess: Noel's gonna intervene with his magic or something and then Gazz is gonna beat him to shit with the pipe

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