2592: The Gremlin - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 7:06 AM
You know, you should use those pictures as vote incentives. They're pretty well awesome.
THREE! Cease this ungentlemanly behavior at once! At ONCE I say!
2593: Penguin - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 7:37 AM
Just pretend they're vote incentives, and go "wow, that picture is so awesome, it gives me an incentive to vote!".
2594: Zenith - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 7:38 AM
I love Order of the Stick!
2595: someone - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 8:03 AM
The spritey guys in the rant remind me of something, but I can't put my finger on what. Is it the cast of Dominic Deegan? I think I see Punchy, Stunt and Bumper. :p
2596: The Gremlin - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 8:16 AM
No, I'm holding my vote hostage. If you don't want anything to...*happen* to it, cough up the, um, thing.
Wait, if I'm getting the pics for free, what am I asking for?
Crime is hard. :(
2597: Fell - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 11:54 AM
Nice OOTS sprites. :)
2598: Sploder - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 12:06 PM
Oh my gosh. I love this style!
2599: Salty - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 12:16 PM
2600: SomeGuy - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 2:09 PM
This is actually a really cool style. It doesn't seem entirely appropriate for tobi, but I don't mind. I do like how each of the three stories now has it's own specific art style, and I hope you keep using seperate styles for each.
Also, awesome sprites of OotS. I suggest you post them on the forum too. (Though even here, curse it, it's impossible to tell V's gender. Well done.)
2601: Fizzybobnewt - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 2:29 PM
See where they're all looking? It's also a clever way of directing our attention to the ads.
2602: Freako - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 3:39 PM
Those OotS sprites are fantastic. I had actually forgotten that I found this comic through the GiantITP forums.
2603: zeratanus - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 5:14 PM
I think I like this one over the Noah style. The Noah one looked too much like... HD Sprites. Sprites that are beautiful and all, but skirt the feeling that the sprite-ness is more a hindrance than a style.
However, the face shots in this one are kind of distracting. As much as I love these, and the old ones for that matter, they disrupt the ease of reading the story and I feel like the main sprites are emotive enough, even with their relative lack of detail.
Lastly, those monsters are HORRIFICALLY adorable. Now i want a plush of one for some godaweful reason. Fleshappleplushmonster. Yup. that's got a nice ring to it right?
2604: some1 - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 7:05 PM
Can we get a sexy Veda in this style...? (or any other for that matter :3 )
2605: Littlebottom - Wednesday, April 13 2011 - 8:24 PM
If you havnt already, i would put them up on giantitp.
2606: Bisected - Thursday, April 14 2011 - 3:52 AM
You know, you should use those pictures as vote incentives. They're pretty well awesome.
THREE! Cease this ungentlemanly behavior at once! At ONCE I say!
Just pretend they're vote incentives, and go "wow, that picture is so awesome, it gives me an incentive to vote!".
I love Order of the Stick!
The spritey guys in the rant remind me of something, but I can't put my finger on what. Is it the cast of Dominic Deegan? I think I see Punchy, Stunt and Bumper. :p
No, I'm holding my vote hostage. If you don't want anything to...*happen* to it, cough up the, um, thing.
Wait, if I'm getting the pics for free, what am I asking for?
Crime is hard. :(
Nice OOTS sprites. :)
Oh my gosh. I love this style!
This is actually a really cool style. It doesn't seem entirely appropriate for tobi, but I don't mind. I do like how each of the three stories now has it's own specific art style, and I hope you keep using seperate styles for each.
Also, awesome sprites of OotS. I suggest you post them on the forum too. (Though even here, curse it, it's impossible to tell V's gender. Well done.)
See where they're all looking? It's also a clever way of directing our attention to the ads.
Those OotS sprites are fantastic. I had actually forgotten that I found this comic through the GiantITP forums.
I think I like this one over the Noah style. The Noah one looked too much like... HD Sprites. Sprites that are beautiful and all, but skirt the feeling that the sprite-ness is more a hindrance than a style.
However, the face shots in this one are kind of distracting. As much as I love these, and the old ones for that matter, they disrupt the ease of reading the story and I feel like the main sprites are emotive enough, even with their relative lack of detail.
Lastly, those monsters are HORRIFICALLY adorable. Now i want a plush of one for some godaweful reason. Fleshappleplushmonster. Yup. that's got a nice ring to it right?
Can we get a sexy Veda in this style...? (or any other for that matter :3 )
If you havnt already, i would put them up on giantitp.
Looks like 3 knows something she doesn't....