Tuesday, February 28 2023 - 3:15 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

It's my birthday!
It's past midnight here so it is officially my birthday!
To celebrate I'll post some extra pages today throughout the course of the day! Enjoy.
It's past midnight here so it is officially my birthday!
To celebrate I'll post some extra pages today throughout the course of the day! Enjoy.
Awe, I love Catz now; is it allowed?
Happy Birthday, Neorice! Hope you have a good one!
I see from Noah's subtle response that he does, indeed seem to be conscious. Good to know!
Happy Birthday Neorice!
I like to imagine that Noah's been awake for a while now but has stayed quiet so he doesn't have to do anything or get involved at all.
Happy birthday, Neorice! Do have a good day and the day after!
happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!
And to us, apparently :)
Catz was lovable the moment he shot himself into our hearts
Via a cat themed cannon
Happy Birthday, Neo
Wait, is Noah actually conscious? He looks directly at Catz here... How long has he been awake?
Well, that answers the "Is Noah awake" question.
Note how his eyes move.
Happy anniversary of the commissioning of your flesh vessel!
Catz it's being too relatable
Happy b-day
Happy birthday!
Oh hey, Noah's aware-ish!
won't someone remove the deathmetal dental tools from his jaw already
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday neo!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
I see that Noah appears to be awake now. I wonder how that will become relevant.
That little side-eye is about the most communication Noah has managed since the clamp went on. Good for him.
It's definitely not a good comparison, Gazz, but Chernyl doesn't seem to be making any choices here, so thinking of her as a murderer isn't helping...
I'm surprised Catz doesn't have much of an opinion...and wait HOLD THE PHONE did Noah just look sideways at Catz?
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, I check your comic like 3 times a day (even when the updates aren't daily, hehe)
Happy birthday Neo!
A bit late, but Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday :)
Happy Birthday Neo!
Happy Birthday! Hope you're feeling better by now, but ut's okay if you're not :3 Thank you for such an immensely interesting and engaging comic.
Happy birthday Neo!
Happy Birthday, Neorice!
Noah's awake!
Also, happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Neorice.
I finally ave catched up after abandonig "A path for Grater Good" back in the days , and I must say what a Fantastic ad Fabolous pixel comic you have here.
Happy birthday!
Noah's awake! ...how long has he been awake..?
Happy Birthday :D
Goodness, it's already been another year? Well, then, Happy B-day, Neo!
That aside glance by Noah conveys surprisingly much, honestly. Catz may be a whole lot more extroverted than Noah, but on some things they appear to be able to come to an agreement.
Happy B-Day Neo!
It's late, but happy birthday!
Much late, but happy birthday to you neo :)
Also I'm sure Noah has been conscious for a while now, but either doesn't have enough energy to move or rather be carried all the way than be bothered to do anything himself.
...maybe both `XD