Monday, February 13 2023 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Seriously Chernyl.
Goo goo ... ga?
I'll post the full art piece on discord for those who want to see it.
Goo goo ... ga?
I'll post the full art piece on discord for those who want to see it.
Hahaha, that's awful, thanks for sharing.
Well, the next room can't possibly have anything wore then those...
Holy shit. That is a big baby.
I wonder if this is Chernyl after what the Scleramancer did to her, or is this just another of her nightmares?
Is this the hallowman...?
I want to see it but I don't Discord :(
Clearly this is a metaphor for Chernyl's fear of babies
A yeah, my favorite darkstalkers stage.
Goin' Fetus of God on these fools.
Well done, Neorice, you finally made me nope out of a page.
You're hiding the thing behind some darkness for the next one, yeah?
@Fuz is as informative as the picture at Discord.