Monday, October 3 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Chompy boy.
Tooth to be told, I don't think Noah expected that.
Forgive the pun I've been binge-reading Dominic Deegan for no clear reason. I now want to torture people with ban puns myself.
So bad...
Noah should really take a look at the chapter's cover
why would you read that
Into the Mouth of Darkness Noah...into the Mouth.
that's really not the goop I expected him to get stuck in while trying to land, but okay
Yaaa its mister kimbely or whatever his Name was again. Well thats my guess anyway, with all that slime.
First thought: That's exactly where Noah needs to go.
Don't go back to DD, Neo. We don't have the GITP threads to cope anymore.
F for Noah
Oh. The Hollowman is literally a giant, hollow man, I think? He is the building and the goo, and Chernyl is somewhere inside him.
The greatest nightmare of them all: The british dental hygene.
The Wall of Flesh has awoken!
Magic user that Noah know personally and can recognize by spirit, currently in Haven, in Hospital after all? My guess is "Overeager" Gazz. His last known location is hospital.
Catz is unaccounted too so far, and competent enough that he can make a diffrence and bring new hope. But no clear link to hospital.
I expect to see at least one spirit sword in next comic. But Catz too, before it all ends.
Noah really shouldn't be mouthing off right about now, and that's also the tooth.
dominic deegan good.
Ooh, Dominic Deegan. I haven't read that in ages. That was a pretty fun series, even if there were a few headscratcher moments in it.
dentist who cleans too much time?
I don't think it's Mr. Kimberly, last we knew he was at the base with the others. Gaz was at the hospital.
Yep I immediately thought of Gazz as well.
Its possibly worth remembering that the blue haired punk girl Malhart kid they were fighting was also injured in her leg.
Malhart himself too could have been sent to the hospital after he was shot in the heart?
Was there anyone else that could have been injured as well? The teleporting kid that ingested black crystal when the royal guard was feeding everyone was pretty sick wasnt he?
Dominic Deegan, there's a name I've not heard in a while.
Also god your pixel work on these panels have been excellent <3
Good point, Malhart have very, very good reason to be in hospital, his helpers as well if they bring him here. Blue haired punk girl was captured with most of Malhart kids and magic neutralsed. She probably cant use spirit at all atm. And I think there was enough of time skip after her fight so her injures arent a factor anymore. Malhart was magic neutralised as well bur mayby someone removed his bullet and he passivly use spirit but didnt wake up so far. Or is too week to use it as good as before.
@Feddlefew: It's actually the Hallowman. With an a. Not hollow with an o.
So it's some religious notion of being sanctified (or sanctifying, perhaps), not a question of being empty inside.
@ someone- So it is! Thanks for catching that.
I kind of feel like Noah should pay more attention to what's in front of him.
Also, I think that this is the next room that Ciel mentioned, so safety SHOULD be right behind this thing.
Dominic Deegan? Talk about a flash from the freaking past.