Tuesday, August 16 2022 - 8:24 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Let's go see the master.
Oops I was trying to update the banner lmao.
Enjoy the extra page post I guess!
Oops I was trying to update the banner lmao.
Enjoy the extra page post I guess!
We had normal people and nightmares, so why not nightmare people?
Oh, sweet, an extra page coming in form of a happy little accident!
So theres only 3 monsters left that havent been introduced from the cover page.
The weird balloon cyclops near the two infected human shapped cyclops who I assume is the Scleramancer himself.
The carrier bird nightmares on the ceiling
And the smiling sun hidden in the background who I assume is the Hallowman
This seems like an excellent plan that will not lead to them getting captured by an incredibly powerful nightmare.
This is one of these mistakes which make everyone happy, Neo. Thanks.
Judging by their eyes, they are probably people turned into the Scleramancer's minions.
Finally, time to see the Scleramancer
I think that we are seeing victims of the Scleramancer. Two holes where their eyes should have been with one clearly implanted eye showed in instead.
The only question is if they were normal humans before or if they were one of those fake nightmare people before they were turned into Scleramancer's minions.