29693: someone - Friday, January 28 2022 - 12:55 PM
When Burk proves he's not stupid, he just likes to pretend to be.
29702: Leo - Friday, January 28 2022 - 1:43 PM
Oh it works like the pokemon move huh. I thought it actually created more of them. I guess Pablo figured it out earlier too. Why would Pudu describe it as a powerful move if non-spirited perceptive people can see through it? I'm sure it's even more visible under spirit sight.
29757: UnknownID - Saturday, January 29 2022 - 12:52 AM
So his zechnique really has this weak point! Makes it pretty useless in a fight with a much stronger oponent :D
And that proves why Pudu is not the best hero in heroland.
When Burk proves he's not stupid, he just likes to pretend to be.
Oh it works like the pokemon move huh. I thought it actually created more of them. I guess Pablo figured it out earlier too. Why would Pudu describe it as a powerful move if non-spirited perceptive people can see through it? I'm sure it's even more visible under spirit sight.
So his zechnique really has this weak point! Makes it pretty useless in a fight with a much stronger oponent :D
And that proves why Pudu is not the best hero in heroland.