Friday, January 7 2022 - 2:57 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Your inadequacies.
Always feels good to get scolded by someone completely covered in blood. It helps.
Always feels good to get scolded by someone completely covered in blood. It helps.
He is the father Noah never had, but should.
Nail's right, tbh.
I do hope that maybe Noah well be more proactive soon. Itll be nice to see him do something,can still be reluctant moody and everything else but actually maybe doing something would be nice.
Pre-empting other comments; I Noah's kind of right here. Nail is the dude who was perfectly willing to sacrifice Noah's life, which I feel kind of cancels out any gratitude he deserves for saving it here. To be fairNoah isn't doing nearly as much for his own survival as he really should, but Nail's being needlessly insulting on that front too.
They both have a point there. Noah should be more thankful and Nail more thoughtful. :D
Let's see how many of the Secret Police are still alive.
Me 🤠Nail
Wanting Noah to least attempt to make an effort.
... Nail is my new favorite character.
Nail is awesome. He didn't have to save Noah, but he did.
His suggestion is the best suggestion ever.
Nail, the Hero Noah needs, not the one he wants.
Nail is a bit of a complex character. Only someone totally detached from other people don't care. And Nail just seems very pragmatic. But still 'human' even if not that species.
Dunno if we can really judge Nail as good-or-evil from this sort of thing. Nail stands to benefit from the mission succeeding (both in terms of Nail not being blown up and possibly getting rewarded in some way, and possibly other interests), and Noah's a powerful asset.
Instead, Nail's moreso displaying maturity -- directing things to an obviously desirable conclusion, regardless of Nail's ethical standing. Which contrasts heavily against Noah's apparently immense immaturity.
Did we forget that *everyone* is going to die if Noah doesn’t step up before the nuke goes off?
Noah really needed a wake-up call and Nail delivered it in an acceptable fashion. Nail's neither evil nor good, but I think he lives by a "minimum casualties" mentality, which is as good as you can get for someone working with Veda.
Re: Panel One: Serves him right!
Bottom line, the trouble with Windows-Nail relations... is Windows. He's just aggressively unpleasant to anyone and everyone who tolerates him and has a religious like devotion to being useless. And there just isn't time to indulge Bubbleboy's nonsense, not with so many lives at stake.
You tell him, Nail
Sense of personal agency? Noah? Never.