28608: Seb - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 9:19 PM
That's gorgeous ! And real creepy. I can hear the rattle like a bunch of big insects or bones knocking against really others
Oh, Noah has a new sprite : scared shitless
28609: Jack - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 9:23 PM
You hyped these nightmares up for a while, and I was worried they wouldn't live up to expectations. You did not disappoint, that thing looks horrific. Bravo.
28610: Benedict - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 9:36 PM
28611: Datren - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 10:03 PM
Also calling it now, Noah survives by trying to run and in doing so trips over himself, causing the creature to fly over him as it wasn't expecting him to just fall to the ground.
28613: yes - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 11:01 PM
I feel like Ciel's good news is about to come into play.
28614: Guest - Wednesday, November 10 2021 - 11:27 PM
The reason that Noah is in mortal danger? Because he is just, so, huggable!
28615: Taorin - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 12:19 AM
Ciel seems remarkably unconcerned considering she claimed "The only desires I have are to ensure our survival"
28616: Tom - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 12:34 AM
Massive props to Neorice for being to create such nightmares in addition to his already wide variety of sprite art.
28617: random - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 1:13 AM
I have a feeling Noah might meet their target sooner than they've anticipated
28618: noname - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 1:22 AM
Yyyup, that's a nightmare alright.
Are you planning on actually doing anything Noah or are you just gonna stand there like a fool?
28619: Strannik - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 2:52 AM
... Noah... Time to run for real ?
28620: Lanth - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 3:01 AM
Oh, Noah's eyes just became red. I think that means either a power up for Ciel incoming or he's gonna take a page on how to bleed magic
28621: zet - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 3:13 AM
These nightmares aren't spirit. So they are physical. Noah entered a cow's physical mind. Can he therefore enter a nightmare's mind in physical touch?
28622: Saiko - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 3:22 AM
Noah is too scared to pass out.
28623: Davethehero - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 3:42 AM
Well uh. R.I.P Noah I guess.
28624: KsCoPe - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 4:08 AM
...and this is the end of the Noah arc - thank for reading! ;)
28625: Random Nightmare - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 4:18 AM
Huh. Wonder why Ciel isn't saying anything.
28626: EstherTb - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 6:25 AM
Do nightmares dream? :3
28627: Noah - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 9:02 AM
At a closer look, it seems like a giant hand....
28628: Agent_Cook - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 11:57 AM
- Number 1, sir, the radar seems to have gone missing
- I see. Send the message to nuke it
And so we were left with only 2 storylines
28629: Sporf - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 12:15 PM
Well this story this story branch ended earlier than expected. Guess that leaves more time for Burk.
28630: UnknownID - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 1:18 PM
this is a really creepy nightmare :O
28631: Whim - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 2:13 PM
@Dubu (from yesterday) I think you're spot on...
28632: Zed - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 2:47 PM
I love how Ciel is still smiling in every panel.
28633: Someone - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 2:52 PM
Odd. I thought Noah's worst nightmare would be public speaking.
28634: Paintr - Thursday, November 11 2021 - 3:04 PM
I wonder what Tobi would do in this situation...
Well she's pretty agile, so she'd probably parkour her way out maybe?
That's gorgeous ! And real creepy. I can hear the rattle like a bunch of big insects or bones knocking against really others
Oh, Noah has a new sprite : scared shitless
You hyped these nightmares up for a while, and I was worried they wouldn't live up to expectations. You did not disappoint, that thing looks horrific. Bravo.
Awww, the rattling monstrosity just wants a hug.
Really helping out there eh Ciel? :P
Also calling it now, Noah survives by trying to run and in doing so trips over himself, causing the creature to fly over him as it wasn't expecting him to just fall to the ground.
I feel like Ciel's good news is about to come into play.
The reason that Noah is in mortal danger? Because he is just, so, huggable!
Ciel seems remarkably unconcerned considering she claimed "The only desires I have are to ensure our survival"
Massive props to Neorice for being to create such nightmares in addition to his already wide variety of sprite art.
I have a feeling Noah might meet their target sooner than they've anticipated
Yyyup, that's a nightmare alright.
Are you planning on actually doing anything Noah or are you just gonna stand there like a fool?
... Noah... Time to run for real ?
Oh, Noah's eyes just became red. I think that means either a power up for Ciel incoming or he's gonna take a page on how to bleed magic
These nightmares aren't spirit. So they are physical. Noah entered a cow's physical mind. Can he therefore enter a nightmare's mind in physical touch?
Noah is too scared to pass out.
Well uh. R.I.P Noah I guess.
...and this is the end of the Noah arc - thank for reading! ;)
Huh. Wonder why Ciel isn't saying anything.
Do nightmares dream? :3
At a closer look, it seems like a giant hand....
- Number 1, sir, the radar seems to have gone missing
- I see. Send the message to nuke it
And so we were left with only 2 storylines
Well this story this story branch ended earlier than expected. Guess that leaves more time for Burk.
this is a really creepy nightmare :O
@Dubu (from yesterday) I think you're spot on...
I love how Ciel is still smiling in every panel.
Odd. I thought Noah's worst nightmare would be public speaking.
I wonder what Tobi would do in this situation...
Well she's pretty agile, so she'd probably parkour her way out maybe?