Saturday, September 11 2021 - 11:48 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

This is what happens.
Always nice when government secrets are so secret most people in a position of power aren't aware of them.
Always nice when government secrets are so secret most people in a position of power aren't aware of them.
Given what happened when he died(?) though, pretty safe to say Malhart probably wasn't a hostile enemy at least.
Turning the city purple was an unforseen side effect. Those things happen now and then.
The secrets, nearly noone knows about, are the best :D
Dailies continue, life is good, mr bos is a great person
Conclusion : maybe let's help Malhart now ?
Most probably, the Empire will continue to prove not as bright and not too nice
Dat circle of trust is mighty small.
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia" -George Orwell, 1984