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Friday, July 23 2021 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood


Heck yeah screw consistency.

26860: Datren - Friday, July 23 2021 - 12:04 AM

Y'know, all this talk of omens just reminded me of that one guy back in Burk's story. When that guy who became unkillable was undergoing whatever was going on with him and the entire world just turned blood red.

26861: Card_Hoarder - Friday, July 23 2021 - 12:21 AM

speculation below:

so from how Zalander mentions a seperate world and how their introduction had a level in it, I think we can guess that they are from tobi's world and that part of the overarching plot of this might be the combining of the two worlds or how they are interacting???
I think we can also take from this that ghouls are from Tobi's world becuase of the levels.
but then what is with tobi's dad? He seems to be a king but he is in the desert in the middle of nowhere. Is he just referred to as such becuase of how strong he is?
maybe the reason the community is in the middle of the desert is becuase the ghouls have taken over the rest of the planet.

26862: AnonymousPerson - Friday, July 23 2021 - 1:49 AM

I dunno, I kind of like my reality consistent.

Also, another world? Like Tobi's? Will she turn into a ghoul? Is magic only native to the ghouls' world? So many questions!

26863: OverBern - Friday, July 23 2021 - 2:54 AM

can you believe humans consider "may you live in interesting times" a curse?

26864: Lord_Incaros - Friday, July 23 2021 - 6:07 AM

Was he actually broadcasting, or like...talking to a bunch of kidnapped humans/skulls/a wall/stalagmites/radioactive ninjas from the third moon?

26865: Darius Drake - Friday, July 23 2021 - 6:27 AM

Huh, so, magic can easily be considered the side effect of a reality or being with less, to no, consistency trying to break into another reality. Omens happen when that reality starts to come close to partially succeeding in it's attempt to break in, and Zalander simply wishes to share the positive aspects of a likely consistently less consistent future. Positive to Zalander's view point, of course, they like playing with the toys they can gain access to in the future.

The portion of reality breaking in from an alternate reality is probably going to be the big bad that get's our four character's working together. I have consistently called it a "reality" that's breaking in due to that a being is a part of it's own reality, and if the being is attempting to break in, the reality is, even if said reality is only taking the actions it is due to the will of one person in it.

26866: Some guy - Friday, July 23 2021 - 10:18 AM

@Anonymous Person
I wouldn't be surprised if Tobi already is one, that just happens to look human.

Well, the filter overlayed makes it look like there's at least a camera involved here. Now, whether that actually sends the signal anywhere useful...

26868: Into it - Friday, July 23 2021 - 11:08 AM

Veda's hair is likely one of these Omens:

26869: Kiithnaras - Friday, July 23 2021 - 11:11 AM

As a Chemistry professor of mine in ages past liked to repeat:
Consistency is but a refuge for weaker minds.

26932: UnknownID - Friday, July 23 2021 - 1:47 PM

Interesting thoughs you have there, Zalander.

26933: Storm - Friday, July 23 2021 - 4:51 PM

Huh, more evidence that the world Tobi's currently in is like a video-game.

In the news, it seems that Facebook's CEO gave a talk about how they're trying to turn into a "metaverse" company rather than a "social media" company. For a specific prediction, people will "teleport" rather than "transport" themselves around a metaverse.

For AI completely existing in-world, bound to its laws, that might seem weird. And maybe many of the people in Tobi's world would be like that -- for them, the virtual-world *is* "the real world".

But for people who were born into the physical world, it'd be semi-video-game-like. And that might be more of where the ghouls come from. And possibly Tobi, too?

Characters existing outside of the virtual-world might be able to make some weird things happen.. even if they're not designed as part of the video-game. And those weird things might have side-effects.. maybe "omens"?

26934: Aston Whiteman - Friday, July 23 2021 - 10:39 PM

Doesn't Tobi have claws etc? She's really not human..

26935: tracer - Saturday, July 24 2021 - 2:45 AM

This interlude doesn't appear in any of the characters' archives.

26969: Ba ba bazinga - Monday, July 26 2021 - 9:31 PM

So the reason Burk is able to beā€¦. Burk without having a touch of making is that he, or someone like him, is a somewhat recognizable side effect of magic and reality straining against eachother with reality starting to warp?

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