Good to see that ruthless pragmatism of Nail's is working FOR you instead of AGAINST you this time, Noah.
26850: noname - Thursday, July 22 2021 - 6:25 AM
This sounds less like "I care about you and your safety, Noah" and more like "Your survival is regretful, but no longer an issue." Still, I suppose it's good to see that SOMEONE is keeping an eye on the Chernobyl ball.
26926: UnknownID - Friday, July 23 2021 - 1:29 PM
He has a point there, but he should point the finger at Noah when he himself is the rootcause of all the mess there are in now...
Good to see that ruthless pragmatism of Nail's is working FOR you instead of AGAINST you this time, Noah.
This sounds less like "I care about you and your safety, Noah" and more like "Your survival is regretful, but no longer an issue." Still, I suppose it's good to see that SOMEONE is keeping an eye on the Chernobyl ball.
He has a point there, but he should point the finger at Noah when he himself is the rootcause of all the mess there are in now...