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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, July 9 2021 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Quite a lively crowd.

Oh hi Shalhia.

26498: noname - Friday, July 9 2021 - 2:16 AM

Love that look on Foxy's face in the 5th panel. It's just pure "F*ck, I'm ACTUALLY a dumbass! People would be DUMPING money in my lap if I played my cards righ- scratch that: If I played my cards HALFWAY competently! My poverty right now is completely self-inflicted. D'oh."

26501: Bogg - Friday, July 9 2021 - 7:12 AM

When someone goes "Oh. Yeah." Very deadpan like that, it tends to be significant.

26502: Violet - Friday, July 9 2021 - 12:26 PM

To be fair, up until now there were no chances to actually endanger people's lives, and they had no idea that voting neutral would make them sit out.

From here on out, though, cleaners will most likely get to play their intended role.

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